Cannot make transactions on fx wallet

I purchased some fx a couple of hours ago and every thing went through and now when I try do swaps the “review order” button is not highlighted… anyone else have this problem?

I cannot do trades with fx/pairs

Fx/eth pairs*

It works fine, try few things.

Check your internet connection as it do this when connection is unstable

Try restart the application.

Clear fx wallet cache from settings.

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I work offshore, with really shit wi-fi but this is the first time it has done it to me, I bought some fx with eth about 2 hours ago and it was fine and then it’s happened… I re started my phone and that didn’t change anything. I have version 1.7.2

Odd timing… has me a little concerned

I cleared the cache and still the same. What about cache data? There was that option also in my settings. I have a Samsung note 20

Thank you for helping out, really appreciate it

Make sure you still have eth in the wallet, being a private wallet all erc20 transactions have to have eth to action them no matter what erc20 token your trading to pay the eth network and a swap contract will also add to the eth cost by the swap provider

Don’t clear data , doing this will hard reset your wallet.

If you are sure you have the needed eth and still it’s not working out.

Try connect Uniswap Interface
Via wallet connect and try excute the order.

make sure you have gas fees, you need ETH to do swaps.

@StrayJalex Please check this one. Ping me if the problem still appear.