Collab with Singapore Seedly - Non Paid

Recently, Singapore Seedly has been collaborating with CoinMarketCap, multiple crypto exchanges like Gemini, CoinHako, Xfers, Binance SG and Altcoins like Zilliqua for a Facebook Live Show, asking about opinions and about the future of cryptocurrency.

Will Pundi X and Function X reach out to also be on their facebook live talk?

@zaccheah Seedly is a extremely big finance facebook group for singaporeans but they invite people from all over to talk about crypto / finance.

There are some big names over there.

Below are events that have occured recently and more are coming up. Do consider reaching out.

They don’t do coin promotion but just about opinions from each of the individuals about the future of crypto and stuff so there is no bias and is more about where cryptocurrencies is going in general.

But the company name will be featured below your name which is like free advertisements too - Pundi X & Function X


It be great if you can suggest us on Seedly, they make good contents.

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Yup i mentioned a few times. I will mention it again in their upcoming event and during their live to invite you to talk as a guest too!

EDIT: Kenneth, CEO of Seedly replied saying they will consider for upcoming future episodes! Hope there will be good news :slight_smile:

I will try to find more stuff like these.


Would be cool to have Xfers’s XSGD on XPOS. We can swap crypto with XSGD 1:1 pegged.

Look at all the SG companies that Xfers team up with.