Continuous failure occurs about claim, deposit, withdraw in FX-FXG Pool

Continuous failure occurs about claim, deposit, withdraw in FX-FXG Pool.
So, I can’t manage my LP in the pool.
Other pools are working fine.

CC: @Fox_Coin

Hi Dave, I replied to your message on TG already.

It still occur failure.
Why isn’t it working?
Only my transaction fees are being consumed.

Dear community,

Since yesterday our FXG contract seems to be in a loophole try to add the automatically LP Tax into the pool. We are currently investigating the problem with FX team and prepare all necessary steps to fix the problem.

Unfortunately the Loophole blocks most of transaction. I will update everyone in this thread.

We already started recovering and prepare all steps.

Of course the LP will be added 1:1 again


Roadmap today:

Token got forked :white_check_mark:
Airdrop new token :white_check_mark:
Token integration marketplace :white_check_mark:
Token integration fx-swap :white_check_mark:

Further roadmap:

Replace FXG on fx wallet and list✅


In futures there is no 5% Tax on any transaction


New FXG token got airdrop to all holder


I don’t receive airdrop.
and it still have failure.

Marketplace isn’t updated yet for new token but we will be live in few hours again ;).

Please send me your wallet that I can check

@Fox_Coin : will you publish a step-by-step recovery guide for claim and for withdraw ?

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Please rescue my LP Token
My wallet address send to you, please check message

@FrenchXCore @Crystal are your LP in the farm?

Yep @Fox_Coin !

@Fox_Coin yes in the farm

is it scammer?

Yes, it’s a scammer.

You will not be required to provide any information to anyone. Stay away from any suspicious links and only use the official links provided by the team.

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Please ban there!

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:green_circle::green_circle:marketplace live again :green_circle::green_circle:

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