[Exploration & Experiment Note #1]: f(x)Wallet Extension

This is our first note on experiment or concept which we are working on. Any suggestions are welcome.

This is an experiment implementation built on Keplr project. Keplr is a browser extension wallet for inter blockchain ecosystem, and it’s the most powerful wallet for the Cosmos ecosystem. Part of the purpose for this experiment is to explore what Function X’s own browser-based extension should look like.

  • UI texts were taken from f(x)Wallet, so as to provide a consistent experience.
  • 90% of the code is based on Keplr, plus two unique features of Function X.
  • This has nothing to do with our final solution or an official release of extension. We had a good time learning and exploring.

    Some dev snapchats:
    · Create New Wallet page

    · Main page

    Unique features
    Features which we see essential to Function X’s own extension.

· Change Commission

· Vote

· General settings

Happy holidays! :star_struck:


will the ability be there to load more then 1 seed wallet to work with at the same time

Yay. Finally our own desktop wallet. Very excited.

Hopefully the application for Function X Network to be listed on Keplr is also successful.

Happy holidays! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yes. we’ve explored that part and see it an essential feature too.

Happy holidays :star_struck:

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Great initiative !!!

Thanks !

And merry Xmas to you all…

Not really important but would it be possible -in the future- to have luminous mixed colors for the wallet for it to look more modern and trendy?

Clean slick UI/UX with good color cominbation can really attract users tbh.

If i am not wrong, these are called gradient colors.

Something like this.

Noted. will take this to our UI designers. it’ll be a very good reference as we like this style as well.

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Is the web extension still based on Keplr?

Very eager to hear about the progress on this item, please…:wink:

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