f(x)Core Mainnet Validator Updates

I have just added detailed instructions + an example on how you can register your coin onto the gravity bridge. Do take a look!


The proposal for testnet upgrade to v2.3.x has passed. Upgrade height is set as 4714000 (14 Sept 2022). This is a hard fork upgrade type.


Upgrade v2.3.x

For all validators, there will be an upgrade if proposal 17 passes

Upgrade height has been reached so validators who are running on testnet, do your upgrades @FrenchXCore @kenorb @ClaudioxBarros not too sure if ive mentioned everyone correctly.


Upgrade Validator Nodes by 29 Sep

  • Proposal 17 has passed and all validators will need to upgrade their nodes by 29 Sep

  • Do follow this guide to upgrade your nodes


Do ensure that you have upgraded your nodes if you have yet to do so

  • This is the link for the countdown timer for the upgrade

  • Validators who have yet to upgrade their nodes

@SmallFort @Bernando @AquillaX @Ardent @Superbit123 just tagging some of you guys here


FXCORE Proposals #19 & #20

2 new proposals are up for voting

  • To achieve healthier governance, we will be reducing the TIME & DEPOSIT threshold for Non-EGF proposals (#19)
  • To attract more liquidity into our ecosystem, we will be airdropping addresses that bridge in liquidity through the gravity bridge (EGF proposal #20)
  • As a token of appreciation to the community, we will be airdropping some FX to addresses that have more than 1,000 FX staked (EGF proposal #20)


Proposal #19 FXCore Parameter Change proposal

Parameter Change Content (for non-EGF proposals):

  • Change voting period from 14 days to 7 days.
  • Change deposit threshold (minimum deposit) from 10,000 fx to 3,000 fx.
  • More on the discussion

Proposal #20 EGF Proposal for Cross Chain Airdrop and Account Airdrop Funding

To attract liquidity into our ecosystem

  • Cross Chain Airdrop
    • Cross-chain token value > 75 USD
    • Amount of airdrop by chain:
    • Tron / Ethereum == 2 FX
    • Bsc == 1 FX
    • Polygon == 0.5 FX

As a token of appreciation to our users

  • Account Airdrop
    • more than 1,000 FX Order Quantity
    • Amount of Airdrop: 10 FX

More on the discussion


Paper Validator Missing Blocks

Paper Validator has been missing blocks for the past 15 days and 0.1% of the total delegation amount has been slashed. Kindly consider to redelegate your delegation to other validators to avoid the losses


i typed him/her by twitter to (@FX_rockPool) but doednt reply…

same user yes?

That’s what i love about starscan, as a delegator you can monitor your validators info very easy and convenient!

1 remark:
When i view my delegations in the fxwallet and zoom in on validator overview, the validator info doesn’t load when i tab the validators address.
The EVM delegation that is, and Samsung phone.

which version of fx wallet are you using?
any screenshot?

2.1.0 that is.
Samsung A51
Android 12
Language: Dutch

Here are the screenshots:

The screen from the last screenshot keeps showing the load icon, and does not load anything.

noted the issue as the link go to evm, I have feedback to internal team, will be fixed soon, probably in next version

1 Like

Developers disclose major vulnerability in all IBC-enabled chains on Cosmos

Hi validators, as per this article there is a critical vulnerability impacting all IBC-enabled Cosmos chains for all versions of IBC, we are actively and trying to contact cosmos side to get the private patch in advance. The specific upgrade process will be planned after getting the security patch and we will inform once again.


Dear public validators, the upgrade is released and please follow the instruction here for the upgrade steps


I had an error deploying method 1 now going through method 2.

Inisted of this mkdir -p fxcore-temp
tar -zxvf fx-core_2.4.0.tar.gz -C fxcore-temp
cp fxcore-temp/bin/fxcored $(GOPATH)/bin/fxcored

Used this (@ByteXSylvia Reference)
mkdir -p fxcore-temp
tar -zxvf fx-core_2.4.0.tar.gz -C fxcore-temp
try this cp fxcore-temp/bin/fxcored $(go env GOPATH)/bin/fxcored

Now its synced

1 Like



Hey Team,

There seems to be a mistake in the Makerfile. The update was done by zakir

fix: make install


zakir-code committed on Sep 15


Please let me know if the team can fix this so we can update with method one. Really don’t like creating temp folders and then copying them over like an ape.

Please update this for future installs I guess :slight_smile:

1 Like

Run these commands if you are setup on binaries with fxcored as service. Make sure you are in your root folder while running them (I.E) wherever you may have stored fxcore.

curl -o fx-core_2.4.0.tar.gz -LJO https://github.com/FunctionX/fx-core/releases/download/v2.4.0-dragonberry/fx-core_2.4.0_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
mkdir -p fxcore-temp
tar -zxvf fx-core_2.4.0.tar.gz -C fxcore-temp
sudo systemctl stop fxcored
cp fxcore-temp/bin/fxcored $(go env GOPATH)/bin/fxcored
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FunctionX/fx-core/release/v2.4.x/public/mainnet/genesis.json -O ~/.fxcore/config/genesis.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FunctionX/fx-core/release/v2.4.x/public/mainnet/config.toml -O ~/.fxcore/config/config.toml
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FunctionX/fx-core/release/v2.4.x/public/mainnet/app.toml -O ~/.fxcore/config/app.toml
sudo systemctl restart fxcored
fxcored version

you will be updated and ready to go :slight_smile: goodluck everyone.

great news everyone! the proposal for (FXCore parameter change) and (Cross Chain Airdrop and Account Airdrop Funding Proposal) has passed!


It allow bridging of tokens securely via validator consensus in a “faster” time frame, shortening proposal of new tokens from 14 days to 7 days.
