f(x)Core Testnet with EVM

Hi all,

I have created a simple smart contract for you to interact with, come and wave at me and possibly get 0.5 TESTNET FX :joy:.

https://wave-place.magicoctopusx.repl.co/ :wave:t3:

Testnet faucet is here.

Add the testnet network to your metamask to interact with it!
Network Name: FX-Testnet
New RPC URL: https://testnet-fx-json-web3.functionx.io:8545
Chain ID: 90001
Currency Symbol: FX
Block Explorer URL: https://testnet-fxscan.functionx.io/


Hi @magicOctopus !
Is there any chance we could access your smart contract code somewhere ?

Other question to anybody:
Are there any performance indication related to node’s workload with EVM implemented ? (more RAM, etc.)


testnet so far is normal, no bugs and I haven’t encountered any problems. to swap, add liquidity, to remove, run quickly and successfully. looks like it’s ready for launch. my address : 0x37e406f6f13c69f2ef35b8E8a5f2F06eEE7D6fA7

HI dear
A company has transferred some currency to my Coinbase wallet through this network, but they announced that I have to add the gas fee to my wallet to withdraw it, which is equivalent to 0.67 Ethereum. Is this network safe and I can do this? or that company can withdraw from my wallet through this network.
please guide me

sounds like scammers brother if you connect with it they will steal all your eth, if you are given something in eth network it came from eth network, our wallet app has eth wallets same as any eth network supporting network. If it was from our network it wouldn’t be on eth network.

Don’t trust any coin that lands in your wallet you didn’t buy, even air drops, always verify the token given to you was given by a project you trust for a reason and is giving you something legit, especially on eth network, if our ecosystem was going to gift you something now it’s probably only going to be on one of our networks like FxCore or PUNDI X Chain maybe even BSC chain, but very unlikely eth network. Eth network is the scammers main go to scams because their practiced at stealing in eth network.

same goes for any NFT’s your given that are for no reason, they usually they have air drops or free stuff or some crap gift advertise on them, just black list them don’t interact with those.

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