f(x)Core Update 20211122: Moved To New f(x)Core Testnet

Key change
New f(x)Core Testnet
View at: fx-core/public/testnet at main · FunctionX/fx-core · GitHub
Updated fx-core/public/testnet/ and moved to the new f(x)Core Testnet (ChainID dhobyghaut). The old f(x)Core testnet now is not available.

· Added docker-compose.yaml for monitoring the f(x)Core nodes and receiving alerts.
View at: fx-core/docker-compose.yaml at main · FunctionX/fx-core · GitHub
· Added client.toml in fxcored config file

Bug Fixes
· Fixed known bugs in fxcored command tool
· Repaired make test and make linter


Seems like the dhobyghaut TestNet network is down right now (10007 error). Worked nicely yesterday.

Happening to some friends and myself on any TestNet validator delegation.
@indra @Richard

As for the monitoring, is it working for binaries setup ?

it is working for any kinda of set up. actually the set up is OS agnostic. as long as youre able to build the necessary dependencies. and download GO and set it to the right path. it will work with fx-core. ill be releasing the tutorials for other OS soon.

Seems like the dhobyghaut TestNet network is down right now (10007 error). Worked nicely yesterday.

this is with regards to the f(x)wallet? it has been fixed already

Faucet and delegation working again this morning (GMT+1)