F(x) Core validator node setup on f(x)Core Testnet

New proposal: Making f(x)Core EVM compatible for Testnet

The process will be as such:

  • The team will initiate a proposal on 9 DEC 2021 at 11:00am (GMT+8)

  • For Testnet, the proposal voting period is 48 hours.

  • By the end of the voting period, a tutorial on how to upgrade your nodes to be EVM compatible will be up

  • The nodes will need to complete upgrading by 13 DEC 2021, 10:00am (GMT+8) i.e. block height 408000

  • There will be another proposal on 13 DEC 2021, 10:00am (GMT+8) to confirm this change and to initialize EVM compatibility.

  • The nodes who have not upgraded by then will not be part of the consensus and if your validator node experiences too long a downtime, it will be jailed and slashed (more on this you may refer to hereWhat are the slashing conditions?”)

  • This entire process will be very similar to how an upgrade will be on the Mainnet so do try it out on Testnet!


the update is just after proposal approve right ?

yes correct. it has already passed governance so you can start upgrading your node

EVM compatibility upgrade and governance proposal process

  • We have launched a governance proposal on the testnet and this will be for initializing all the nodes to be EVM compatible.
  • Only after this proposal passes, will your nodes be EVM compatible
  • After this proposal is passed, the EVM module will automatically start to run, and the EVM corresponding port number 8545 service will also automatically start.
  • Validators will not need to do anything at this point except maybe vote for the proposal to go through if you want it to

I would like everyone here to be familiar with this entire process because this is how it will be like on mainnet. @ClaudioxBarros hopefully this answers your question too

Hi team,

Any chance to port as app onto Umbrel?

This will spur more awareness + ease of installation on existing Raspberry Pi - already running btc nodes/lighting etc.


@orbitant ,
I already published this guide for the Raspberry Pi 4:


Thanks for the effort :slight_smile:

I’m referring to installation as an app where it can be run concurrently within Umbrel.

Just FYI, testnet validators with these monikers have missed quite a few blocks, not too sure if its just downtime or because you forgot to upgrade your nodes. If so and you would like to unjail them, please do so.

  1. France-1
  2. cop4200
  3. Qazu
  4. Dyson Sphere Project
  5. Westblue


For France-1 : it’s an old testnet validator that was given up.

We gave up on ours as well. As long as my node is able to stay synced I think the rest of the process will be seamless.

ok, will take note. @l4zyboi @FrenchXCore. thought you might want to try out certain processes like upgrading the node and running other tests in a sandbox (testnet), but shouldn’t really be a problem for you 2.

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Hi All,

  • We are EVM compatible for TESTNET!!! for more information, you may visit this post
  • Come and try this fun game (just put together recently as a side project by @IAtheIntern)
  • I have a testnet node for you to connect using whatever browser wallet you would like (metamask would be the most convenient) configurations:

chainId: 90001
faucet: here


If the Testnet Explorer shows correctly, we’ve today 12 Testnet validators being Inactive/jailed (including one of mine), is something particular happened?

Got some crash errors such as:

panic: failed to write batch: leveldb/table: Writer: keys are not in increasing order: “s/k:slashing/n’IjbT\xb5B\xbf\x91\xc5sqsl\xe6\x97\xf5A\xb9șh\x9b\u007f\xd0\xc7|\xdb\x18av\x1b\x00\xe4\x80I3\x00\x00\x00”, “s/k:slashing/n’I\f\x01\x00\x14\xa8\f\x97Z^\xa4r\xc8\x02<i\x87Cx\x1e\xb2]\xe9"H\a\xfbi\r\x00’\x00[\xcdB2\x00\x00\x00”

and it keeps crashing like the database has been corrupted (reported on GitHub as well).

It seems I’ve to set it up from scratch. Anybody got similar problems?

@Richard Your Blindgotchi is down as well.

mine seems fine for now

Did you upgrade your code to reflect the update in EVM compatibility?

I believe most of the original testnet validators have already converted their services to either sentry nodes or mainnet validator nodes so they have discontinued any testnet nodes.

My blindgotchi has been deliberately jailed because im running some tests

Update 13-1-22
For the uniswap Dapp on Testnet, we have added in analytics/charts.

The gitbook has also been updated.

For more information, kindly refer to this link.

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Updates 17 Jan 22

  • We have added in a gitbook tutorial guide for metamask for EVM
  • With the rest of the guides like using Remix or truffle and hardhat, you will be able to deploy your own smart contracts and ERC20 tokens. You can give the Remix tutorial a go and mint your own ERC20 tokens.

Hi guys,
I want to make a validator node but now the spots are full. Can someone tell me if it’s ok to create it now or wait until the spots reach the new 100 limit? I really want to get a spot next time and it doesn’t matter if I have to run it for a period without getting any rewards.

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more can be created, the stronger 50 get to be validating blocks, there are some team nodes there if you see still have very little delegations, if you set up a node and have more delegations the lowest one will just become inactive, the team won’t mind it brings on more decentralisation.


One of the validators is retiring due to personal and a career change, and he won’t be able to maintain with his new job. So to add to your clear info, he will be amongst the 50 validators and can build up slowly.

Also note once the validators node reaches 100fx its in active state, meaning creating blocks, only then not before. The minimum fx needed to start the node is only 100fx self bonded.