Function X EGF Application Fund Format

I would like to suggest that FX team makes it a requirement for EGF fund proposals to ask for funds as FX equivalent of USD, rather then just asking for set FX amount.

The proposal written for FX decentralized marketing is a perfect example of how fund requirement should be mentioned. I can think of two good reasons for this:

  1. makes it very easy for community to evaluate how much money is required for the proposal

  2. protects the community and the proposal team from price fluctuations which is a big risk due to volatility in crypto

Example: A team asks for 60,000 fx (10,000 fx monthly for 6 months). They could get approval vote for the first two months when fx price was around $1, but community might not approve subsequent monthly payment because price jumped to $6. Hence, project fails and previous investment is lost.


A team asks for 60,000 fx (10,000 fx monthly for 6 months) when price is around $1. They get approval vote for the first two months but then third month, the price crashes to $0.35. Team doesn’t see any feasibility of completing the project with the funds expected at current conversion, thus bails on the project and previous investment is lost.

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