FXSwap on EVM Testnet (also reward for testers)

Our FXSwap on EVM Testnet is available for the community to test.
It can be accessed at fx-swap.io, do give us your feedback :slight_smile:
You may get your FX Test token on the Testnet Faucet.
Also, you will be required to add our test network to Metamask before you start using.

Here are the steps on how you can add the test network to Metamask:

Network Name: FX Testnet
New RPC URL: https://testnet-fx-json-web3.functionx.io:8545
Chain ID: 90001
Currency Symbol: FX

fx-swap.io doesnt run

link issue


@Aritz_Bahamonde Do check again, it should be working!


Yes, solved.



is there other information for instruction for the dummy’s, I don’t understand the need for Meta Mask is the swap test only for coin on a Meta Mask, 2nd when I go to put in the test network into Meta Mask there is Fxcore Dhodyghaut there already and when putting in the chain ID for testnet it said it’s already in use for the Dhodyhaugt; i put it through anyway so now i have the testnet network as well as the Dhodyhaugt with the same wallet address, should the Dhodyghaut be removed? I’m also lost doing the swap because I don’t know what’s goin from where to where.

Not enough Info I have not been able to test it, didn’t connect to any on the FX wallet versions


Hi all, from now till the official launch of fxswap (circa late July) the Function X team is happy to share total $1000 worth of $FX to a maximum of 3 people that give meaningful feedback on fxswap!

If you find serious lethal bugs, the reward will be different.


Costumize themes for fxswap
So people can change themes they like


Something that might be nice:

Have a profile based on your public address where stats are collected

  • How much have I traded?
  • What is my most traded token
  • Which of my pools has the highest APY

Have competitions based on these stats and give out special nfts based on the stats

  • A competition for most value traded and have an nft for being in the top 10%, top 5%, top 1%, etc

very fast, and i think 98% ready to launch


so far so good, i wish you can put the actual price graphic under the swap menu, or integrate with the price bot so we can know token A and token B price before execute swap. and when swap button notify price impact too high, please show how much price impact % amount


The work has been done. It is working very well as a test net. We will take it to the moon.

work fines! amazing project already test all features on dex swap, add lp and remove the liquidity is so far good not meet the serious error wen try them :slight_smile:

The web is very smooth, but when swapping there are still errors but it can be solved, hopefully in the future other features will be added, thank you

You swap erroring? Edit gas gwei up to 500. My wallet is done testing all feature

everything run smoothly without bugs.

just finished all tasks with fast response.

already is done and thanks

just tried to remove liquidity. run smoothly and fast response

All work smoothly
Swap, add/remove liquidity sucsess and no issues

Good sir, no problem, happy join big project