Maker Liquidity Pool (USDT ERC-20) β€” Beta

Maker Liquidity Pool performance report (epoch 3 - first half)

Maker liquidity pool makes a trading loss of $34109 (-7.35%);
Accrue Platform trading fee: $7351 ;

Epoch:3 (first half)
Duration: 16/3/2023 - 30/3/2023
Reporting Date: 31/3/2023

Part 1: Balance

Name Address Trading Pair Opening Bal Closing Bal
Maker LP
Maker LP BTC 0xF937CE482E067B315446A1f63E48FFF599C788DB BTC-USDT 142,389.82 142,359.74
Maker LP ETH 0x83ED913a3f7adC173f05e3bF60b5AA9dfaBFc3e6 ETH-USDT 145,066.32 144,988.93
Maker LP FX 0x17C2003c23604dC67845947A7514FddFB427cfe9 FX-USDT 176,706.73 142,704.22
Total 464,162.87 430,052.90
  1. Key parameters (cumulative)
Name Address Trading Pair Trading Volume No. of Transactions
Maker LP
Maker LP BTC 0xF937CE482E067B315446A1f63E48FFF599C788DB BTC-USDT 22,400,600.00 8,932,308
Maker LP ETH 0x83ED913a3f7adC173f05e3bF60b5AA9dfaBFc3e6 ETH-USDT 8,756,326.00 9,584,209
Maker LP FX 0x17C2003c23604dC67845947A7514FddFB427cfe9 FX-USDT 3,238,812.00 9,375,240
Total 34,395,738.00 27,891,757
  1. Profit and loss (cumulative)
Name Address Trading Pair Opening Bal Closing Bal PNL
Maker LP
Maker LP BTC 0xF937CE482E067B315446A1f63E48FFF599C788DB BTC-USDT 142,389.82 142,359.74 -30.08
Maker LP ETH 0x83ED913a3f7adC173f05e3bF60b5AA9dfaBFc3e6 ETH-USDT 145,066.32 144,988.93 -77.39
Maker LP FX 0x17C2003c23604dC67845947A7514FddFB427cfe9 FX-USDT 176,706.73 142,704.22 -34,002.51
Total 464,162.87 430,052.90 -34,109.97

Hi @Danny

Thanks for the Maker Liquidity Pool performance report.
Is there also a report for the AI Bots Trading Pool USDT (ERC20)?

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Maker Liquidity Pool performance report (epoch 3 - full )

Maker liquidity pool makes a trading loss of $36643 (-7.85%);
Accrue Platform trading fee: $11,151 (50,480 $FX)

Duration: 16/3/2023 - 13/4/2023
Reporting Date: 13/4/2023

Part 1: Balance

Address Trading Pair Opening Bal Closing Bal
0xF937CE482E067B315446A1f63E48FFF599C788DB BTC-USDT 142,620.82 142,190.49
0x83ED913a3f7adC173f05e3bF60b5AA9dfaBFc3e6 ETH-USDT 145,912.62 144,710.90
0x17C2003c23604dC67845947A7514FddFB427cfe9 FX-USDT 177,685.81 142,674.58
Total 466,219.25 429,575.97
  1. Key parameters (cumulative)
Address Trading Pair Trading Volume No. of Transactions
0xF937CE482E067B315446A1f63E48FFF599C788DB BTC-USDT 22,405,500.00 9,348,039
0x83ED913a3f7adC173f05e3bF60b5AA9dfaBFc3e6 ETH-USDT 8,758,775.00 9,986,485
0x17C2003c23604dC67845947A7514FddFB427cfe9 FX-USDT 3,238,812.00 9,458,856
Total 34,403,087.00 28,793,380
  1. Profit and loss (cumulative)
Address Trading Pair Opening Bal Closing Bal PNL
0xF937CE482E067B315446A1f63E48FFF599C788DB BTC-USDT 142,620.82 142,190.49 -430.33
0x83ED913a3f7adC173f05e3bF60b5AA9dfaBFc3e6 ETH-USDT 145,912.62 144,710.90 -1,201.73
0x17C2003c23604dC67845947A7514FddFB427cfe9 FX-USDT 177,685.81 142,674.58 -35,011.23
Total 466,219.25 429,575.97 -36,643.29

Epoch 3: AI Trading bots (full)

Duration: 16/3/2023 - 13/4/2023

Original post by Danny here…

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