💰 MarginX 100-Day Incentive Program

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Thank you for the support!

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:loud_sound: LIVE NOW: MarginX Maker Liquidity Pool (Beta) :loud_sound:

Deposit USDT-ERC20 and earn $FX rewards!

:point_right: :link: maker.marginx.io

:date: 19 January 2023, 12pm (GMT+8) — until 11 March 2023

Why? What? How?

:warning: ONLY private wallets allowed. DO NOT send funds from a CEX.

NOTE: MAKER INCENTIVES part of the initial 100-Day Incentive Program will no longer be applicable after the upgrade.


:exclamation:EXTREMELY IMPORTANT :exclamation:

When depositing into the MarginX Maker Liquidity Pool, ONLY use a private blockchain wallet.

DO NOT send funds from a CEX unless you want to lose them.

#MX100Days #MXMakerLP


Still clueless on how to participate in MarginX’s very first Maker Liquidity Pool?

This tutorial shows you how simple it is.

PDF guide: How to Deposit Into Maker Liquidity Pool.pdf - Google Drive


can we see results of the MM ? that can determine the choice for the next epoch

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If we don’t claim rewards, can we lose them during the change of the next epoch?

How to figure out if we lose a part of our deposit?

Thx :slight_smile:

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Yes, Market Maker will publish the performance report bi-weekly (every two weeks).


Short answer is No, you will not lose the reward.

Rewards will be there for you to claim even after the next epoch, so you can do it when ETH gas fee is low.

The Market Maker will publish a biweekly and monthly performance report. The loss will only be shared among the wallet addresses withdrew on that epoch proportionally.

For an example, if Market Maker made a loss of 100 usdt on that epoch. The total fund withdrawal request on that epoch is 1000 usdt.

Alice withdrew 300 usdt
Bob withdrew 700 usdt

Hence, Alice will only recieve 270 (300-30); Bob will only receive 630 (700-70).

And the liquidity pool will have a debt towards both Alice and Bob.


Good news! For me it’s correct !

May be it could be interesting to have possibility to withdraw more if the liquidity pool win USDT.

Thank you for your suggestion. We’ll feedback to involved Market Makers on this for future releases :slight_smile:

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can we see the results of the Market Makers somewhere

It went live like a week plus ago only, I don’t think it would be that fast.

Yes, Market Maker will publish the performance report bi-weekly (every two weeks).

:pleading_face: #MX100Days has come to an end.

A BIG THANK YOU to all participants - we hope you enjoyed yourselves!

But more importantly, have you withdrawn your $FX rewards yet?

You only have until :sparkles: 10 April 2023 :sparkles: to do so.

That’s 30 days left! Go go go! :running_man: https://trade.marginx.io/rewards

P/S To those thinking of bridging their USDT-FXCore to Ethereum in order to participate in our #MXMakerLP, HOLD UP! Don’t bridge yet! We have something planned for Epoch 3… :wink: