MarginX AI Bots Trading Pool (USDT-ERC20) — Beta

Hello! I had almost $35k on deposit in the Maker liquidity pool, I requested a withdrawal, and today I saw that only $7.6k were available for withdrawal. How is this possible? Minus almost 80%. Please help me figure it out!!!

I’ve got your info … dev will check on it.


Hi, pm me your wallet address. Thanks.


If you’re having issue on MarginX …

Alternative, do submit your feedback/questions via below link.


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Hi there, do I have to worry if I see 0 on available to withdraw now?

on fxcore and erc20.

Thank you

You can ignore for now. Devs are still checking on this … they’ll do a calculation and revert by next Wednesday. Thank you for your patience.

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Hi Folks!

Updated and reply here…

Epoch 4: AI Trading bots (first half)

Duration: 21/4/2023 - 27/4/2023

AI bots made a profit of $627.95 on epoch 4 - first half (1.63%)

Profit and loss

Address Trading Pair Opening Bal Closing Bal PNL
0x83d74E8d45B7B27f25610A1b1Eb5411a0CECA3Ca BTC-USDT 19,433.13 19,433.13 0.00
0x00fA2f2C5813480Cd3b8637539488B6CE887c005 BTC-USDT 5,960.75 5,957.45 -3.30
0x0e02F0aDC3493f911f575249510E92F420Aaf816 ETH-USDT 6,878.01 6,891.17 13.16
0x0640CF6375dE20bc434298Fe36f70296b1B9E6B5 FX-USDT 6,233.89 6,851.98 618.09
Total 38,505.77 39,133.72 627.95

Good to see AI pool is finally making money this epoch!

It will be very interesting like @SCENE say about how AI decision making and historical trades. Be nice to know how this AI is built.

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Epoch 4: AI Trading bots (full report)

Duration: 13/4/2023 - 11/5/2023

AI bots made a profit of $1134 on epoch 4 (2.9%)

Address Trading Pair Opening Bal Closing Bal PNL
0x83d74E8d45B7B27f25610A1b1Eb5411a0CECA3Ca BTC-USDT 19,451.19 19,433.13 -18.07
0x00fA2f2C5813480Cd3b8637539488B6CE887c005 BTC-USDT 5,963.15 5,968.22 5.07
0x0e02F0aDC3493f911f575249510E92F420Aaf816 ETH-USDT 6,863.79 6,917.69 53.91
0x0640CF6375dE20bc434298Fe36f70296b1B9E6B5 FX-USDT 6208.177902 7,301.80 1,093.62
Total 38,486.31 39,620.83 1,134.52

Epoch 5: AI Trading bots (interim report)

Duration: 11/5/2023 - 25/5/2023

AI bots made a profit of $111 on epoch 5 - interim (0.9%)

Name Address Trading Pair Opening Bal Closing Bal PNL
AI Bots
ml btc 0x83d74E8d45B7B27f25610A1b1Eb5411a0CECA3Ca BTC-USDT 19,433.13 19,433.13 0.00
grid btc 0x00fA2f2C5813480Cd3b8637539488B6CE887c005 BTC-USDT 5,999.63 5,987.29 -12.34
grid eth 0x0e02F0aDC3493f911f575249510E92F420Aaf816 ETH-USDT 6,929.72 6,929.42 -0.30
grid fx 0x0640CF6375dE20bc434298Fe36f70296b1B9E6B5 FX-USDT 7,303.22 7,427.00 123.78
Total 39,665.70 39,776.84 111.14
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Epoch 5: AI Trading bots (full report)

Duration: 11/5/2023 - 8/6/2023

AI bots made a profit of $154 on epoch 5 (0.38%)

Address Trading Pair Opening Bal Closing Bal PNL
0x83d74E8d45B7B27f25610A1b1Eb5411a0CECA3Ca BTC-USDT 19,433.13 19,433.13 0.00
0x00fA2f2C5813480Cd3b8637539488B6CE887c005 BTC-USDT 5,968.22 6,013.41 45.20
0x0e02F0aDC3493f911f575249510E92F420Aaf816 ETH-USDT 6,917.69 6,939.37 21.67
0x0640CF6375dE20bc434298Fe36f70296b1B9E6B5 FX-USDT 7,301.80 7,389.44 87.65
Total 39,620.83 39,775.35 154.52

Epoch 6: AI Trading bots (full report)

Duration: 8/6/2023 - 6/7/2023

AI bots made a profit of $224 on epoch 5 (0.58%)

Address Trading Pair Opening Bal Closing Bal PNL
0x83d74E8d45B7B27f25610A1b1Eb5411a0CECA3Ca BTC-USDT 18,419.63 18,415.03 -4.60
0x00fA2f2C5813480Cd3b8637539488B6CE887c005 BTC-USDT 6,011.29 6,256.38 245.08
0x0e02F0aDC3493f911f575249510E92F420Aaf816 ETH-USDT 6,962.76 6,937.77 -24.99
0x0640CF6375dE20bc434298Fe36f70296b1B9E6B5 FX-USDT 7,431.90 7,440.66 8.76
Total 38,825.57 39,049.84 224.27