Proposal Discussion: New Reward Staking Contract for Purse Token

Hi All,

The Purse Staking 21-Day Lock will be implementing soon, from June 2nd, 2022.
Check out the official announcement below:
New Contract Upgrade: 21-Day Lock


Hi All,

Good news! We have extended the liquidity mining program with an additional of 1 billion PURSE reward to be minted.

For more information, refer to the official announcement below:
Purse Liquidity Mining Program (Part 2)



should we withdraw and make the bet again?

And regarding the new contract in stake, should we withdraw and enter the new stake in the new contract? Thank you

admin may want to clarify but the LP mining is a continuance of what is, so no need to reset just add to it if you like.

the new contract staking is just the future of all newly staked Purse after the start date, there is no requirement to update to the new contract staking; the old contract holds for as long as your still staked in there, the choice is yours but anything you unstake and restake will be then subject to the 21day lockup period, see the old contract as a perk for early adopters which allows you to withdraw straight away for any PURSE you get staked in before the new contract with no lockup period

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Perfect, thanks!

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That’s correct.


Hi All,

We will be giving out 300 Million PURSE tokens as retroactive rewards for users who have staked in PURSE Staking. We will be doing a calculation on how much each early staker should receive and we have decided on rewarding users that staked from Anytime between start date to 1 June 2022 to now. The cut-off date is chosen as 1 June 2022 as it’s before the 21-Day Lock contract upgrade.

What do you guys think? You could let us know by casting your vote below:

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Just an rough idea for using purse (also as marketing purpose):
I think in Belgium someone sells Pundix stuff like T-shirt,Hoodies, cup etc. I dont remeber the website.

How about a cooperation with this guy? Or find a suitable shop which is willing to sell/shipping goodies with functionx,pundix,marginx emblem?

Maybe also a discount for the buyer with purse,fx,pundix. I would love to have some functionx/pundix T-shirts. I would love it more when i can choose the design on the T-shirt.

That’s a good idea, maybe is a good idea for liquidity providers that stake lp since the beginning too. Would help because IL

Hey all,

300 Million PURSE for grab!

This to reward the Early Stakers that staked their PURSE on PURSE Staking from anytime before 2 June 2022 to 1 November 2022.

Claim Period: 8 November 2022, 12:00:00 GMT +8 to 31 December 2022, 12:00:00 GMT +8

:warning: PURSE will be forfeited if you did not claim before the end date!


Howdy, thank you for this surprising reward, may I know that what happens if user forgets to claim it until in 2023.


The PURSE Retroactive Rewards will commence on 8 November 2022, 12:00:00 GMT +8 and end on 31 December 2022, 12:00:00 GMT +8 . Users can only claim the PURSE rewards during this period of time. Do note that the PURSE rewards will be forfeited if users did not manage to claim the PURSE rewards during the given timeframe.

Please refer to this article: PURSE Retroactive Rewards. Introduction | by Yanping | PurseToken | Nov, 2022 | Medium

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Hi Indra,

I converted my npxsxem to purse end of the 2021. First %12 gave us instant; rest of it has been distributed each month %8. First distribution of November is missing for me. I opened ticket 28781; but no one answered yet. Missing purse is almost 2.178.378,00. Can you help me.
I gave the My metamask wallet address on ticket. If you want I can share it

is there anyone to answer my question?

any admin?

Hi Janjan, May I know what is the exact amount of PURSE you are missing?

Missing purse is almost 2.178.378,00

hi indra;

still no answer my submitted question about 28781 ticket number. I wrote lots of time both twitter and official telegram but no one answer me yet. Please help me.



Our support team will check this ticket #28781 and reply on zendesk.

Thank you.

i am loooking forward your answers thx

I got an email from
zendesk team, they said that there are 3 more unlocked purse is availiable, so when the time is comes, unlocked will be opened. So there is no problem, amount is correct

thx for your help