Unable to deposit FX-V2 LP tokens on FX-USDT farm

Unable to deposit FX-V2 LP tokens on the FX-USDT farm. Using chrome: was able to “approve” the transaction, but when I click “deposit” window pops up to confirm the transaction on the wallet but no notification comes on the F(x) wallet.

Phone: Samsung A5 (2017) Android

Things tried:
-Chrome incognito, same issue
-tried to remove the liquidity from farm & add back , skips the “approve” stage but “deposit” approval never shows on the wallet
-Tried to change the liquidity amount , skips the “approve” stage but “deposit” approval never shows on the wallet

Hi @cop4200,

Do you mind taking a video on how you did it exactly? To understand the situation better and see the steps you took.

Or the last step where it doesn’t show any notification.

It was some sort of bug, resolved now. Could have been a browser issue.