Baklava Space on FunctionX - F(x)Core Delegate Vault & FX-Swap Yield Farming Vault

Hi @JohnB !

My questions might seem naive…, but :

  1. are the tokens delegated to a Bava node or to any validator node ?
  2. what is there to gain for Baklava in this late-described process ?

Thanks !



Hey French,

Good questions, we need to be clear on this part.

  1. Baklava does not have any validator node, and we are planning to delegate to all 50 validator nodes using our backend bot. The backend bot will delegate to whitelisted nodes, and we will add more nodes batch by batch based on performance. The target is to delegate to all active nodes.

  2. Baklava charges 0.5% withdrawal fee (capital withdrawal) and 1% rewards fee (1% from the yield when you harvest).

I hope it clarifies.

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I’m not sure if i understand the benefits for me as a delegator.

Apart from auto compounding, what is the big advantage for me as a delegator, when i decide to delegate my rewards to the baklava vault?

Since withdrawel or harvesting is gonna cost me 0.5 / 1%

What wiil be the apy?
Same as i get from my current validators?

In current situation, when i withdraw my rewards and redelegate this reward, it only costs me 1,3 fx in total, regardless the amount of fx.

Hope my question is clear and makes any sense… :slightly_smiling_face:

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As far as I understand, autocompounding is paid for by Baklava, and allows you to increase further your APY.
However, it needs to be weighed against Baklava fees…

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I have some fx testnet tokens.
Switches my network configuration to fx-testnet (i just found out how easy that is in fxwallet :slightly_smiling_face:).
Delegated some test tokens to validator “Madrid”.

When trying to connect wallet on
through walletconnect/qr code scan,
I get stuck on the “loading” icon and cannot connect.

Tried several times, no luck.

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Hihi Baklava Team, just tested it and it’s very easy to use.

Deposit - Works great
Withdraw - Works great, although the reflected withdraw amount is not the same as what I keyed in.

Tried withdrawing twice.

  • Withdrew 20 FX - it reflects 1.45 FX at the bottom
  • Withdrew 50 FX - it reflects 12.85 FX at the bottom
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Hey all, we have updated the testnet link to

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Hey Jan,

We have updated the WalletConnect support, You can connect to Baklava testnet using f(x)Wallet.

Please note, you need to change the setting to f(x)Core Testnet on f(x)Wallet.

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Yes! Can connect now, great.

Deposited. Went smooth, very easy.

Not sure how to use this :point_down: option. (Transfer delegated fx)

When entering amount, it immediatly says “Insufficient Balance”

And should i see my claimed Bava somewhere?

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Hi @JohnB !!

Just tried the Baklava vault, and it works almost perfectly smoothly.
I have a few suggestions though:

  • for the “Connect Wallet”, suggest the right ID for the network so that f(x)Wallet switches automatically to FxCore ?
  • could you update the GitBook to describe how the F(x)Core Delegate Vault operates ?
  • which validators are on your whitelist ? and what would be your rationale to whitelist a validator and not another one ?
  • any chance it could be added as a Dapp in f(x)Wallet in the future ?

Thanks a lot for the effort you put for the demonstration !



Thank you for the suggestion, FrenchXCore.

  1. For the “Connect Wallet”, we will fix this UX, there are two chains currently supported by Baklava Spaces (f(x)Core and Avalanche). We will update you later for this one.

  2. Ok

  3. Our initial plan is to support the Top 10 validator nodes and add more per batches. We just want to make sure the nodes are stable (based on the uptime).

  4. We will contact the FX team to add this to f(x)Wallet. It should be an easy task.

Thank you.


Thanks @JohnB

As for the 3rd answer, I’d be happy if some “public” reliable nodes were included (especially FrenchXCore, since we"re on the 12th seat right now!).



Good news, we are planning to add Top 25 validator nodes into the first batch!


Hi Function X community,

Since community member @FrenchXCore is compiling token spend related to governance, we want to share ours too. We have put in the equivalent amount of our $BAVA token in USD value that we have received in $FX governance.

In other words, we received 300,000 $FX worth ~$50,000 (which we utilized it all as liquidity on FXSwap) and in return we have supplied ~$50,000 of $BAVA into FXSwap farming.

We would also like to apply for another 300,000 $FX for our work on $FX Delegation vault. Please let us know if this is reasonable, and if yes, we want to do it after the vault reaches specific milestones.

(Update 18/07) $FX Delegation Vault Milestone
100,000 $FX upon reaching $250k USD TvL
100,000 $FX upon reaching $1m USD TvL
100,000 $FX upon reaching $5m USD TvL

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Hi @JohnB !

Thanks for the update.
I understand that you split your 300k FX into 150kFX + eqv. BAVA and invested them into the FX-swap FX-BAVA pool.
I remember that the initial proposal #28 (300k $FX) was including up to the launch of the vault.

If I were to suggest something, it would be to go forward with a new proposal (Community Pool funded), but split it another way : one part when 250 k$ of BAVA TVL will be reached, and your 2 other parts.
I would suggest part of it is put into farming rewards to increase farming APR.

I would clearly support such a proposal.


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Hi FrenchXCore, we have allocated all 300,000 FX from the governance proposal to FX-BAVA pool on FXSwap.

Can you please elaborate the 250k BAVA part?

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Oops, sorry… I edited my previous post : was talking about a TVL of ~250K $USDT of $BAVA tokens.

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Is it correct?

$FX Delegation Vault Milestone
100,000 $FX upon reaching $250k USD TvL
100,000 $FX upon reaching $1m USD TvL
100,000 $FX upon reaching $5m USD TvL

If yes, let us discuss internally, but I think it is a great suggestion.

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That’d seem nice.
But i’m not the only validator. Let’s see what others might say…

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It is not an issue, we agree to adjust based on your request.