BlindBox NFT: Zac's social experiment

Ok i have worked out a table for one Combination as teaser… i will need some days to complete the whole thing :smiley:

Main Stats for Class determination will be the two highest of STR, DEX, WIS, INT, CHA
2nd Stats for Sub Class determination will be Health and Mana and the 3rd highest main stat
3rd stat for Prefix will be Luck

So the Numbers will show in this order from top to bottom.



I like the idea you combine different aspects Into single one.

Now we have three elements 1 numbers and 2 stats defines and 3 character model, we still got to find one more point is the blue background to make good use of it.

I have something in mind, I will construct it and update it in my post.

Things going smooth and forward :fire::fire::fire::fire:


@orbitant has a number which already can be found in the example.

would be a:

Lucky Combat Veteran Fighter

if we want to somehow implement this into a game at a later stage we shouldn’t have the stats influence the actual gameplay, just the appearance and class
(like a 9 rolled fighter has the same power level than a 7 rolled, otherwise it would be pay 2 win and not competetive)

damn how did i get from “i bought 8 numbers on a bluescreen” to “lets build a damn epic blockchain fantasy game”



Hi all, after reading through the comments, we have decided to grant the opportunity to both @KuzoIV and @Alchimist to become the guardians of the BlindBox project. Therefore, we have initiated a poll so everyone can vote if they agree with this decision. Select “Yes” if you agree, “No” if you disagree and “Others” if you believe someone else should be the guardian. Thank you!

Proposing Alchimist and KuzoIV to on-board the BlindBox Project as the guardians
  • Yes
  • No
  • Others

0 voters


Normally i’m not a fan of NFT’s but there’s good idea’s coming here🙂

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I think @kenorb can also be added to this list. Are you interested @kenorb?

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Whoever that is the guardian, I’d like to see

  • proposal and progress being dropped here.
  • a probational period, for lack of better word , so that we can also help assess the performance.

Finally, I’d like to propose @BlueStitch also be part of the final team.


Would you like your #BlindBox NFT to be featured on the BlindBox Wall? :sunglasses:



If you guys want inspiration for class and sub-classes, take a look at Lost Ark…

The amount of classes they have is mind blowing.


And i suggest we tag 1 number per line as “special”. We can figure it out later for the special thing, but it will increase the rarity of the NFT.

To make it fair, i think we can use 0 as the special number. What do you guys think?

So for example, 00000000 will be the most rare NFT.

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thx bro i will look into it…

d&d has an insane amount for itself… like 4-10 times the amount i need :smiley:
most of them are doubling here but i look into it if i find some cool ones :slight_smile:

good idea, but i dont think a 00000000 will create… we have 7777 numbers and the probability of a 00000000 is 1:10^8, thats not possible…

i created a “supreme” version into the decision tree already, which is rolled by Luck 9, this has 1:10 probability.

if 1:10 is not enough there is also the premium subclass.

if you want a random premium subclass with supreme prefix you have the probability of 1:40 so there will be only about 194 of those supreme premium ones… which is about 2-3 per Subclass… some subclasses may have not a single one of them and some subclasses 6… but thats the nice thing of probability. which is fun and can be sold.

if we want a community behind the “hunt for rare classes” we should not demotivate them by impossibility to get one…

entry level will be “i want to be a fighter” (chance is 1:20)
first hunt will be i want that subclass… (which is already 1:80)
if the player has achieved that he may try to trade it into a premium subclass… (1:320)
and the enthusiats will go for the supreme premium ones… (1:3200)

there is everything needed to fulfill the desire of the casual players and the premium hunting enthusiasts…

if you want a chosen premium subclass its about 1:320 chance… a chosen supreme premium is about 1:3200… and there are only 7777…

at least that would be my approach we can discuss


Thanks for sharing!

Suggestion: The sum of the numbers of the NFT is what can make it rarer. The NFT with a higher sum is rarer.

NFT 1: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 28
NFT 2: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 = 30

NFT 2 is more rare than NFT 1. At the same time, the class of NFT 2 should be a better-stronger-rarer than NFT 1.

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Great idea, this will be big!

Next is to promote this to get more people to mint and on board.

This NFT will be big!

Official links of the #BlindBox Project :point_right: