FoxGaming Proposal our preview&discussion!

I propose to completely remove the 6% slippage. It does not have any incentive or take the action to buy already losing a percentage.

There is no incentive to buy or sell without constantly giving the swap the error of raising the slipage.

Personally, I can tell you that all the people I know in person think that having to upload slipagge is a joke and that’s why they won’t want to participate in anything related to FXG.

To add liquidity, the pool tool already exists.

Hi @Aritz_Bahamonde, The previous old FXG was 6%; the current FXG is 1%.

Now…also all time this issue

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I see that to sell FXG that issue.

I see that to buy FXG i need to set 2.00% slipagge. Cannot buy with 1.00% slipagge.

By default, it’s always +0.5-1% slippage for normal tokens.

With FXG, it has an additional default +1% slippage.

Total: 2% needed

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this buying,…selling fxg cannot.

Try increasing the slippage amount and checking the minimum received section. See if it matches what you get.

It’s better to do it in smaller amounts too, since the price impact can sometimes prevent a user from swapping if it’s too high.

Although I do agree with you that removing the reflect function would be ideal for current and future users.

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thanks, i am doing bit a bit.

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I have the same issue as @Aritz_Bahamonde , when i try to buy FXG the price impact is too high due to low liquidity.

@Fox_Coin please help as I plan to add FXG as my portfolio tokens.

If the price impact is too high due to insufficient liquidity, break it into smaller amounts in multiple txs.

  • keyword is price impact, not slippage


Do a smaller transaction.

Thanks! u r right that the right keyword is price impact, NOT slippage.

Breaking it into smaller amounts does not the problem fully, liquidity is just not high enough, if @Fox_Coin can increase liquidity, it will be good for people like me to buy more :slight_smile:

No worries.

  • And yes, the underlying issue is still insufficient liquidity.

Breaking down the transactions only addresses the errors that users are facing due to the price impact being too high. To eliminate the error, just break it into smaller txs.

But if you plan to convert a sizable amount, liquidity needs to be added for you to entirely swap.


  • 46k FX in liquidity
  • 4.7M FXG in liquidity
  • Total Pool Value - $17.7k

A small swap can drastically change the price in both directions.

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Yeah liquidity is an issue… Actually the only issue…

I would love to see the fx Team use their 5million fxg they got from the fxg proposal and put them into liquidity to get this started…

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My intention was to upload personalized stickers to the platform with the possibility of having hundreds of copies of them.

Having the activated possibility of having thousands of copies of the nft can incentivize the volume of transactions.

I personally would send dozens of transactions a day to each friend to give them some NFTs. They would do the same to have the different ones they lacked from the collection.

My idea leads irrefutably to increase the volume of transactions on the network and the actual use of it.

Example of these stikers NFTs that i want to sell to cheap prices always as to (X) FXG [0,05$]:

I am sure that many wants to have 1 on each of these.

…and generate transactions on the mainnet.

I am convinced that many would like to have a non-finite collection, increasing more and more cars like this in NFT.

A collection that is not typically 100 or 180 units, but 600 or more, each year there are more and more new ones. Exclusive editions, etc.

In some 5000 units and in others only 100 for example.

For technical reasons, it is currently not possible to host nft on foxchange.

Happened! Placed NFTs using metamask!

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I be concerned about copyright infringement’s making NFT’s of products or images you do not own

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Hello! Any news on FoxChange? Work, processes?
I would like more activity from you! Twitter is silent. News, processes, work are not covered anywhere!

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