FoxGaming Proposal our preview&discussion!

Also short video clips

Today is 15

true… but i think the delay of fx wallet 2.0 has delayed this for around a week… at least i think it did… since the token deployment and fx swap wasnt really possible without the update to 2.0…

i think they will deploy soon and then proposal…

Hi yea there is some delay to fx2.0 and background consultation with fx foundation we will be ready in next days


Looking forward to the proposal :slight_smile:

MarginX can rollout some limited FoxGaming edition of our MXAlliance NFT to support as well.


Contact me on telegram @Loil_FXG_Founder
Love to have it on launch day too we are talking to a lot of people now :wink:

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EGF Proposal Form (FoxGaming)


The project name: Fox Gaming

Summary of your project and how it would help our ecosystem: NFT-Marketplace is a must-have every blockchain should have to attract new investors/users. Having it will increase transactions, users and fees on the FX blockchain. We will also launch our token „FXG“ on F(x)EVM.

Tokenomics: 100,000,000 pre minted Tokens with 1% reflection each transaction (reflection = holders receive 1% each transaction as reward). We distribute 5% to the FX community. Our Token is non-mintable at the supply will not increase over time. FXG is the utility token from foxchange and will be the currency in many applications.

Team Leader name: Loil -Fox Gaming

Payment wallet: fx1780uflqpght7etzq8auv0ram6rwy3wd6dasex9 f(x)Core (Function X Mainnet), $FX
Custody wallet between FX and FoxGaming : fx1v20ky9sjc8m3ddqwhdjumyl68clyz499udu73s f(x)Core (Function X Mainnet), $FX

The level of the amount you are requesting for? Level 1,2, 3, 4: Level 3 50,000 USD in FX tokens to kickstart the already developed NFT marketplace and secure further development & marketing.

Distribution schematic:

  1. 25,000 USD after the proposal passes (hiring known NFT Artists to kick-start the marketplace). From the first 25,000 USD, the team receives 50% after the proposal pass. The other 50% will be requested from the FX foundation with proof of the hired artists. Artist’s requirements: active community, at least 1000 followers on Twitter / Telegram, and minimum 50 sales on

The goal is not just to hire artists. We want to bring new investors from other chains into the FX ecosystem.

  1. 25,000 USD split into five tranches each 5,000USD. After significant development and improvement as:
  • marketplace design 2.0
  • NFT Launchpad
  • code upgrade (external and multi-collection support)
  • the first ecosystem grow milestone 5,000 transactions 250 unique wallet addresses
  • the second ecosystem grow milestone 15,000 transactions 1000 unique wallet addresses

We apply to the three-person council (FX foundation) to release the future tranches after we can prove the updates or daily users.

Category your project belongs to NFT Marketplace

Project Description

See all-hands meeting and forum:

MARCH 2022 Function X All Hands-Meeting March 2022 - YouTube TIMESTAMP 21:10

AUGUST 2022 Function X All Hands-Meeting August - YouTube TIMESTAMP 8:30

Project name: FoxGaming Subject: NFT Marketplace Proposal amount: 50,000 USD in


  1. Launchpad - Host launchpads for other NFTS projects as soon as we have a decent amount of users. This will bring Artists/Developers to the FX Community!

  2. First big use case, our marketplace is ready to roll!

  3. Airdrop up to 5,000,000 FXG tokens: For example 1500 FXG to all wallets, (We transfer the total amount of 5,000,000 FXG to the FX foundation wallet as a security deposit.)

  4. Lots of transactions using FX as fees!

  5. New Investors from different blockchains.

Team profile

More about the team:

Thilo Colberg, 30 years old living in Germany. Owner of two financial companies and web3 developer.

Jose Alberto Marquez, 39 years old lives in Mexico. Chief Information Security Officer, Data Protection Officer〈 Business Model Innovation, Enterprise Architecture, IoT & AI, Researcher, Author & Speaker, SAP veteran.

Jan Matthias Colberg, 32 years old living in Kuwait city. Author and Game Full Stack Online Marketing & Digital Project Lead.

Zakarya, 34 years old lives in Paris. Full-Time Blockchain Developer and owner of an IT solution company.

Website: or


Telegram: Telegram: Contact @foxcoinholeofficial

Registered Address: Germany, 69115 Heidelberg, Langer Anger 197

Contact Email:

Ecosystem Fit/Impact

What problem are you solving:

Our goal is to provide some serious upgrades to FX blockchain with a mass adoption use case! Every chain needs its own NFT marketplace, so here is ours! foxchange where people can sell Function X NFT & more!

Who will benefit:

The entire Function X ecosystem.

The most important use case is the fees people have to pay in FX when they make any transaction on our marketplace or move the coins/NFTs. NFT´S attract a lot of people and investors. Are there any other similar projects in the Function X ecosystem: As it stands, there are currently no other projects like FoxGaming.

Development Roadmap

We already proved that our product is working on FX Tesnet and we are able to merch it to Mainnet.

Milestone 1 - Kickstart the marketplace Description: hire up to 10 NFT artists to launch their project on FX Chain and our marketplace. Bitcointalk campaign banner campaign

Milestone Tracking: After passing the vote successfully, FoxGaming will provide regular reports who we hired for the marketplace to the team.

Milestone 2 – development progress Description: NFT launchpad, marketplace design 2.0, traffic on the marketplace, more updates.

Milestone Tracking: After passing the vote successfully, FoxGaming will provide regular reports and submit the application for the next tranche.


Why paying NFT artist?
Isn’t they want sell their nft art
You provide a market place for them
They should pay to fox gaming market place
not the other way around
I can find people who want sell their art nft
Without to pay to them

@IvanFunctionX thanks for your feedback. this time will come. we want to kickstart and we have smaller artists they wont get paid. but the the known will.

Website link issue; :

we didnt upload it for now

Ok :slight_smile: :love_you_gesture:

When exactly proposal day?

planned for today

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I would change only one aspect.

The hired “known” nft artists should have an “active reach” of 1000 on Twitter and not followers. 1000 following bots are not giving anything.
And 50 sales is nothing in nft sector. A minimum of 1k sales for Avatar projects and 100 sales for 1/1 artists should be the Limit.

I have nothing more to add. Good proposal.
I and our daoverse validator will vote for it this way. But please change the artist requirements.

Hey @Fox_Coin,

Would the website including the wording and design be updated? I believe there is some work that needs to be done on the website in this aspect.

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yes we launch complete new webside including the marketplace :slight_smile:


Great to hear @Fox_Coin ! Are you currently working on a new design or not yet? Any time estimation when the new design will be out?

Sneak peeks are always welcomed :grin:


Can you make nft + mp3 for musician to sell their song on marketplace

Can you sell game item (NFt) on market place
You need make nft game or partnership with game nft developer

Just nft have no any future in my opinion

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The marketplace project will be followed up with an nft fantasy-trading card game. Conceptional development on that has started. We have released a whitepaper on the background story and lore, and whitepaper on the game rules and mechanics is on the way.

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Game On desktop or smart phone
If you make desktop game just forget it

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