Guides on trading on MarginX using FX Wallet, MetaMask and Keplr

ALO, MetaMask!

:movie_camera: Exciting News for MetaMask Users! :star2:

Ready to dive into memecoins on @marginx_io? :rocket:

1/3 - Buying Meme Tokens using Metamask

2/3 - Yield Farming using Metamask

3/3 - Providing Liquidity using Metamask


ALO, @functionx_io f(x) Wallet!

:movie_camera: Exciting News for f(x) Wallet Users! :star2:

Ready to dive into memecoins on @marginx_io? :rocket:

1/3 - Buying Meme Tokens using f(x) Wallet

2/3 - Providing Liquidity using f(x) Wallet

3/3 - Yield Farming using f(x) Wallet


ALO, Keplr Wallet!

:movie_camera: Exciting News for Keplr Wallet Users! :star2:

Ready to dive into memecoins on @marginx_io? :rocket:

1/4 - Set Up Keplr Wallet for Trading on MarginX

2/4 - Buying Meme Tokens using Keplr Wallet

3/4 - Providing Liquidity using Keplr Wallet

4/4 - Yield Farming using Keplr Wallet


you should look a rabby wallet as well, I have yet to look deeper into it but I liked last promotion i seen of it, like metamask only looks like it’s got a smarter UI

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Thank you for your suggestion, will check out and if demand is high… :slight_smile: