Ongoing Discussion: All things f(x) Wallet Beta

The devs are already doing a good job dishing out new features. Don’t forget this is beta version!

Let them work while giving constructive feedback without negative comments.

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still can’t see bnb in beta version.

@zaccheah is the issue solved?

Non…No solved …

but it was said that more than 4.000 have been mined. how they did? @zaccheah @indra

MakeTheSwitch on Twitter: “I am giving away Mission #WAGMI Astronaut of your choice to the first 10 #FX delegators who redelegate from any #FX company validators to any #FX community validators of your choice in 24 hrs. Just tag me with screenshot of your transaction to claim. @Pursetoken @FUNCTIONX_IO” / Twitter

Round 1 Suggestion;

  1. In the landing page of validators, i think it might be better to have the commission rate displayed, without needing to tap the extend drop arrow. So somewhere near the rewards or voting power could be good. Easy view.

  2. If the hyperlinks to websites below validators description can work would be great. Current wallet wasn’t linked either. Validators/delegates can benefit from this now.

  3. Custom avatars or nft avatars are coming which would be a nice touch.

  4. I am still in the strong opinion of PundixChain having its own logo, instead of the fxcore one used at the top. Outsiders need to know the differences at a glance.

PS; I honestly just noticed the cryptogift options on the beta, that’s interesting to what I was saying in the group (@zaccheah @Peko)

  1. I am not sure if higher texture colors can be used in the cryptobnk & all chain logos without compromising load up times…

  2. Generally more colours throughout the wallet might be less mandane. Majorities like flashy colors more often, I’ve noticed over the years.

  3. I think more characters from the addresses can be hidden. Users still grey it out on twitter. New users will feel more comfortable with less shown and a sense of security concerns.

  4. Desired;

-Resort/reshuffle/pin options of chains at the top.
-Night mode.
-Tag name could be relocated under settings.
-Tapping anywhere on the address or token, let’s say fx, could pull up the same options, send, copy, history, QR, etc, allowing a bigger tap area as well. Rather than two separate options.
-Redonomination under cryptobnk page, can be dropped to the bottom of all the options.

  1. Maybe have a looped tab selections.

  2. Optional; Who is better to tag for these suggestions or ideas?

  3. We could still use multiply buying crypto platform options. It just makes life more convenient to on/off ramp crypto, esp not to deter away new and old users due to inconveniences.

12 Desired; multi wallet capabilities.

Amazing how much is left to squeeze in the wallet, ie Dapps, more validator infos, games…, DEX…XPass… It would be interesting to see how all of these will be designed and added.

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f(x)Wallet beta’s stopped

Close apps


Is there an update for this Beta both my devices the app is closing shortly after opening the beta version

to answer my own question

The internals are testing a new updated version of the beta now as we speak. Fixing the BSC viewing issue, amongst others



it’s not mentioned even on ama

Like they said, it is beta phase. Beta phase is for bugs to be found and feedback to be given. People can’t wait at all…

They think everything can be built within 1 day.


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Guys, the display of minting NTFs has not been fixed in beta wallet. In BscScan everything is correct, but in NFT-Asset it shows the wrong quantity at three out of four addresses.

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I found some of mine that I sent to other address back in the sending wallet, i have 4 that said they sent but didn’t.

Still missing 20 of the NFT assets that I minted, they are the one’s I listed here previous

Are all NFTs in place in BscScan?

which are your referring to

I succesfully updated the Christmaswallet
But Before update

  1. I succesfully sended a nft to superbit. But nft is still in my nft asset list. Even after the update.
  2. I succesfully received a NFT before update. But never showed in my asset list. Even after update.
    Like I said FYI.

PS: maybe a proposition for next time. Give a select audience of a couple of people the first try. So they can report all failures/ mistakes / remarks…… before releasing it. After that a beta can be releasedatum to a langer audience….

I have some NFTs appeared on the main address in a visual form, and in digital they are on a different address.

yes i’m hoping they will right them self after a few hours now they are visible of those i moved and the image is still on the sending wallet but the TX says they where sent. others I just don’t have the visual image of 20 od that i minted.

those that choose to try the beta version are the select few, Beta means test version they said it will have glitches, we are testing this is the process before it moves to the main version

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