People of MarginX — Got a Question? 🙋‍♂️

:raising_hand_man: Got a question for us? :person_raising_hand:

Now that you’ve met Danny (@agintender) and Shin (@chinshinliang) on our People of MarginX series, we want you to be a part of it too!

Opening up this forum thread for you to ask us anything! Questions about why you should use MarginX, how different features on MarginX work, what’s in it for you in the long run — anything that you’ve been dying to ask.

And we’ll be happy to connect with you and get back to you with our answers… maybe in the next video! :wink:

So, feel free to blast away :rocket:


Morning Team MX

I wanted to express on this thread if the team planned on bringing crypto spot trading, relatively sooner than later.

I am aware this wasn’t a priority atm, since you have many other products happening elsewhere.

However, with the recent impact and sentimentals towards CEX via ftx scandalous creeps, can it therefore be something that team MX can fast forward to the platform?

I do think spot trading will bring that extra X factor to MarginX, giving something that is much desired now, and the likelyhood of mass recognitions leading towards the impending cbdc playbook.

I think the opportunity is there currently to attract more users with the open and transparent DEX, aided with all the added bonus features of MarginX infrastructures.

I do hope the Team can build towards the spot-trading as well as building the other products at the same time. The only way to do this is probably expanding the team. Or maybe as a suggestion tethering more members of Team FX for this specific role…


Followig both. i am @oOo_McFull_oOo on Twitter [Aritz Bahamonde]

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when do you send the prizes of the contest? :smiling_face_with_tear:

Just wait Soon :relaxed:

The World Cup is here. It will be very interesting if MarginX can support trading of some fan tokens like chz

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Ahem! ETF index trading,should be good



:thinking: Am I right: in order to trade ($BTC, $ETH or $FX, …) on MarginX DEX - First I have to bridge some $USDT that is in my f(x)Core space to the MarginX space on my FXWallet to get started and I also have to hold some $FX to pay the fees!

Greetings Belgiumguy :black_heart::yellow_heart::heart:

Hi Belgiumguy, yes, you need USDT to open a trade since the pair is BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT etc.

USDT is for opening a trade.
FX is for gas fees.

BTC/USDT = BTC is the primary token you are speculating on, and USDT is the “currency” you are using to bet with.

Same for all pairs. Example: If it is BTC/USDC, then you need USDC.


Thanks @SCENE for this quick & clear explanation :pray: - Greetings Belgiumguy :black_heart::yellow_heart::heart:


How do I bridge FX from f(x)core to MarginX DEX? Because when I try to do it it shows MarginX grayed out

You need to connect your f(x)wallet to marginX.

For trading you need also USDT in f(x)core

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You can’t do it via f(x)Wallet alone.

You have to use the MarginX Bridge on their website and sign the transaction using your f(x)Wallet.

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@FxWorldValidator & @SCENE Thanks! I understand now.

For those wondering this is the link: MarginX


Thank you all … keep those questions coming and we’ll compile non FAQs for Shin & Danny on the next video :slight_smile:

For your reference…

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Will we see other pairs like TSLA/USDT in 2022?


Well I want to dive into the MarginX
And fist I thought, let’s deposit some USDT into MarginX

I added some USDT to my f(x)Core address and I also have some fx in f(x)Core.

Connected my f(x)Wallet to MarginX on the website.

Then I click the bridge option and want to bridge the USDT to the MarginX chain.

From f(x)Core to MarginX, trading pair fx/usdt

Balance is 0, so can’t bridge anything.

What do I miss??
I don’t hold any positions yet.

Btw, on the website page: in the section “how to transfer tokens in and out…” the 2 video’s are mixed up I believe, they should be turned around :blush:


ok i did my first round of testing everything out in live mode…

first of all, if you know that u just sometimes have to reconnect the wallet and then leave the fx wallet open on the phone all times then it works fine. otherwise if the phone goes into sleep mode and the fx wallet is still connected it happens to be not functional until you disconnect and connect again.

the bridges and transfer between the pairs work fine after i figured out point one… good work its really smooth…

that you need BOTH, fx AND the usdt is kind of unusual and that there is no possibility of swapping…
i hope there will be a swap mechanism implemented (like using fx-swap integration)


i dont know if i am blind or not… but i cant find the possibility to put in stop loss actions etc… if those are not implemented yet then this is a MUST HAVE TOP PRIORITY… otherwise no serious trader will use this more than just trying… @Danny

overall a nice and beautiful technically working product…
swapping integration and stop loss and other trading options are missing…


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Yes thank you.
In my case the balance stays 0
Will try again later.

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