Social media links


FX wallet suggestion.

Would it be a good idea to have links to all official coin/tokens social medias, eg twitter, telegram, etc

So I was thinking when a user selects BNB or what have you, the next page where it shows;

CMC price
Market cap

Maybe we can include the social media icons on this page at the bottom or top, to their official channels (coin info’s).

I think this is handy and attractive to new and old users, as well as the conveniences. I am aware the CMC link can direct you there, but it will look and behave independently as a wallet feature.

All new users to the space find everything confusing and CMC is not easy to navigate or see stuff effectively. Maybe even having the option to coin gecko ain’t a bad suggestion…

Other reminded suggestions, maybe a portfolio option with graphs and everything etc.

Other pending request;
The Coin/token icon logos on their respective chains, on the landing page of the wallet are not all showing (jigsaw image shown on most)

Hi Superbit :wave:
Have you tried Zerion (Dapp). There you see the performance of your assets (portofolio).


Thanks I didn’t know. I tested it out, and not all my holdings show up on it automatically. And it’s essentially playing around with a all new Dapp experience (for me and another else) and this needs a new learning curve away from fxwallet.

Also the many taps needed to get it and then view one’s portfolio.

The built in fx portfolio was just a bonus non priority suggestion.

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