Zac: ultimate short guide to claiming

You’re absolutely right. It needs to be in the open clear for offers of participation.

The problem I am stating is that FX was not a public ICO. The tokens were Unavailable for sourcing from a pure market opportunity. I myself as a USA citizen was unable to participate in the TGE swaps from NPXS.

The ecosystem “health” as we can call it, or proliferation of total shares in the hands of a few reflects this sourcing method.


Hi , if we have >100.000 fx in stake now, will you give + %10 ?

Firstly, we beliewe in fx and stake our fx for mainnet.

Our profit for it , apr. %5 or 6.

Now , Zac said; "if you stake >100.000 fx, get total %110 fx.

What we can do for …?

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If you are already in stake there is no further rewards. This is incentive to those who have not staked yet and have not earned pre-governance rewards.

“In the meantime, we’d like to encourage Whales, FX holders of more than 100,000 FX tokens that have not been staked in the FX Wallet, to contribute their FX directly to the Mainnet launch contract”


lmao. this is exactly what i mean tho.

investors are purely here for profit.

so why even ask for control?

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I’ve noticed this exploit and advised the team to implement something to counter it.


That is good.

Watch for people shuffling addresses too. Easy to trace with blockchain explorer.


@Telchar Most complete way to counter this would be to timestamp Zac’s ann here on the forum and not allow any direct contract stakes that have tokens originated to the address after that timestamp.


Lol, I saw that guy on Etherscan withdrawing his staked tokens and then sending all of the tokens to a new wallet and trying to restake them to get the 10% incentive bonus. Who does he think he is fooling?


Thank you Team

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Not all are here just for profit. I see crypto as the future. I hate Fiat and governments printing and devaluing the dollar. I believe that Fx will revolutionize the monetary system, and I have an interest in bringing adoption before the government brings in their own corrupt system. Profit for me is a bonus.


i agree. most of my holdings are pundix. i had about 1000 fx. i staked it to support mainnnet launch. i’m not even going to claim lmao.


Can you share the TXID? Do you all think he should be rewarded or this is considered cheating.

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The above link is where he initially unstakes his 690,546 FX Tokens from the staking pool

The above link is where he sends 660k FX tokens to a new wallet

The above link is where he stakes his 660k FX tokens from the new wallet

I believe that he is cheating in this scenario because he is not contributing a net positive to the staking pool and should not be rewarded. He’s just recirculating his stake from a different source wallet address to try to “game” the system in hopes of getting rewarded


This is absolutely gaming the opportunity for additional rewards. The proof is there in the hash details.


@DavidK @zaccheah Do we have a Medium link we can start pushing?


I agree he should not be rewarded.

With the F(x) Launch; will we need to swap onto the new block?

To my understanding FX will exist as an ERC-20 and a whatever we are calling FX core tokens FX20?

There will be a Bridge between ERC-20 FX and FX20? tokens that you can go back and forth to. Unless I interpreted things wrong. Would love to know if that is true or not


Thanks for your response :+1: