DAOverse creation proposal - Welcome to the DAOverse

and for your new question why are the showcases build on such poor Quality.

We personally pay for EVERY cost out of our own pockets right now. After getting funded we will have it proffesionally produced in state of the art quality.

We just have to start somehow.

and again, thanks for your concerns :smiley:

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Thank you indra for support and yes exactly as patrick mentioned in details how we will use the funds.

Our true motivation is build a new experience in gaming were it actually serve players and holders.
We can achieve this with proper structure and time frame needed :slight_smile:

The following is my personal opinion (I have nothing to do with the game!)

  • Firstly to fit on their youtube video (and it is just the first one) is very blunt, in my opinion.
    Yes it could be better. But seeing (and watching live) some of the pundix or fx amaā€™s or videoā€™s, Iā€™m sorry to say, some were also very bad in quality. (They all bought new microphones, remember?). And all the mistake that have been made, for example, with the new chirtmas wallet nftā€™sā€¦ Do I need to refigure my investment? Nope, I give them my support and hope they adjust and improve along the way.
  • Secondly. Watching these guys work and seeing their videos. They are the best thing that came out of the community by far. I havenā€™t seen anyone else stepping up besides Foxcoin. To be honest I am tired of waiting for the community to step up. These guys did!
  • Yes it is a big chance that fx is takingā€¦ But does fx have someone or something better coming along the way?
  • To comment on your sentence facts count and nothing else. Again that is something we, as the community, have asked with several questions from pundix as well. And never got an answer. For instance how many xpos have been sold and working right now. Again should we reconsider our investment because he have got any answers or facts?
  • And for me the biggest attraction ā€œcould beā€, if fx backs it up: their game could attract some other developers a long the way that want to build on fx too instead off on another blockchain. But as said. FX needs to back it up with support (technical perhaps but also promotional for certain)

Of course its understandable and opinions matter a lot.

I can say any investment is a gambling and detailed answer for that been covered by patrick in a more proper way than i explained he is the guy for the task :slight_smile: .

i had personally built a game for fun it were remake for paragon couple of years ago including character integrations and combat system in Unreal engine 4 so i can say i have knowledge as basic structure.

But in other hand i personally can create Quality full setup character at average time of 6 hours, and i showed my abilities in behind scene. so i can say am a guy who easily can do job of 3 devs solo from recordings and you can personally check with other similar in field designerā€™s
And again as patrick and indra mentioned above we will still have devs with high experience and match our vision

yes i have a i had shared couple of times with internals from fx wallet and xwallet and i dont wish to share in public for privacy, if you know my addressā€™s you can scan it :slight_smile:

As mentioned in our whitepaper and as patrick mentioned above we NEVER said we are two people we stated we will hire developers with experience who match our vision and mindset to create perfect composition of team.

Hopefully these answers you looking for :slight_smile: and in regard numbers i believe patrick already covered our plan above.

Thankyou :slight_smile:


We would like to thank you for support :slight_smile:

we actually aim for such big reason attract bigger names to Function-X blockchain through us and our marketing guy as Patrick mentioned and we wont be taking any extra step without making sure everything is fit and of course in respect to time frame.

We proven our skills as solo and we can start generate some things mind blowing with experienced dev team to fulfil our system inputs.

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I agree. The questions you mentioned are of great interest to the community. But unfortunately they remain unanswered.
P.S. And I want to say thank you to the guys from Dao.
Thank you for your initiative, for the idea.
You are like a pioneers
I hope the foundation will support you.
And you will be the first and so far the only one.


Iā€™ll drop my opinion as well.
The crypto industry is highly competitive, and a battle related to time, and to time-to-market.
The first one with the right idea will almost win ALL.
Thereā€™s an EGF doted with 75M FX. Right now, almost none of it has been spent. This is non-sense, considering marketing requirements, overall ecosystem growth, etc.
If we keep that pace, both PundiX and FunctionX might become completely obsolete within the next years.
When using the EGF, weā€™re not using directly your funds : weā€™re using the EGF fund (thus, a provision that was made early, and during each transaction) to try and grow the ecosystem, to try and prove the system is solid, decentralized and all the capabilities itā€™s able to support, and to bring new users to the ecosystem. Not using the EGF fund will keep those tokens unused and centralized.

So, not growing the ecosystem, not taking risks, at the moment, is the best way to make the ecosystem obsolete.

This battle is about innovation. And innovation si all about taking risks.

And donā€™t forget : for each FX transaction, 40% comes back automatically into the community pool.
Right now, weā€™re just using the FX ecosystem for delegations, transfers, tips.
Thatā€™s not what the system is designed for. This proposal #8 is one of many interesting ways to grow the ecosystem.

Even if it fails, Iā€™m sure itā€™ll bring so much technical and marketing discussions that the overall FX community will have learned much more than the project by itself.


Let me put this into context for you guys; we donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing with their delegating rewards and they have over 100 mill delegated. This 800k, is less then half a months worth of rewards so this is a drop in the bucket. I hope, at least a portion of their rewards, goes back into the EGF. For transparency, any team member want to chime in on what theyā€™re doing with the reward since itā€™s not in the tokenomics.

@JL23, donā€™t fall into quick conclusions.
If I take the biggest delegators:

  • fx1lzjus804ufar37qulrwk5xva6f9h3p8wz47hs3 (30M FX) : itā€™s probably a team delegator. But it NEVER claimed delegation rewards. Delegations to team validators only.
  • fx1g7d9ftp6xns5gfsk56j9khpzg2fz7g39nz8pny (25.85M FX): probably a team delegator, and NEVER claimed delegation rewards neither. Delegations to team validators only.
  • fx1pgmjd400qfkh6t2hu7gnme47wdj6adwwa2wkam (21.11M FX) : probably a team delegator, but DID CLAIM delegation rewards. Delegations to team validators only.
    The team might even want to burn the rewards at some point (if those addresses are really from the team)ā€¦ I donā€™t know about that.
    So, IMHO, we really just need team to be transparent with their FX addresses (on all blockchains : FxCore, ERC20) and how they see decentralization and governance going from that point forward.

Yup, but they could claim anytime they choose to and they can use it to put back into EGF. Iā€™m not accusing them of doing anything shady, Iā€™m just saying 800k fx is a drop in the bucket of those rewards and we would like to know what there plans are for it because they can claim the rewards at any moment and could be used for development, marketing , liquidity etc. In conclusion, take chance on these guys and vote this in!


Iā€™m just going to add, if both public proposals fail, thatā€™s just really bad optics and for a potential developer, they are not going to waste their time and deposit money to build on this network. What we have to understand is, to put it bluntly, weā€™re nobody. Who are we to dictate terms to people when we havenā€™t proven a thing to the crypto world. Weā€™re a start-up, we have to take risks, we have to give incentives so devs will take a chance on us so we can prove ourselves and build brand recognition. If we donā€™t, theyā€™ll happily their take their business to established blockchains like Solana, Matic etc.


Hi @zaccheah @DavidK

  1. Why is it that company validators have not voted to date?
  2. When will company validators start to vote on proposals?
  3. As there is no currently incentive to vote, except to see a particular proposal get funding, how can proposals get their projects successfully voted in when company validators are essentially also sitting on the sidelines?
  4. I agree with @FrenchXCore ; itā€™s high time to take some risks to put the Ecosystem Genesis Fund to use or risk being irrelevant. Itā€™s critical to retain talents eager to contribute to the FX ecosystem. Company validators need to put in their voting voices as well. Abstaining had its time. Now is not the time IMHO.
  5. While you guys are encouraging the community to vote for proposals, itā€™s ironical that company validators are not even participating in the voting process. Company validators are effectively ABSTAINING. If company validators are abstaining, then they should vote ABSTAIN. Letā€™s be fair to the proposers. They deserve votes from company validators as well IMHO.




Yup, thereā€™s basically 0 chance a proposal succeeds without their vote.

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Yes i agree

Hi Sylvia, and all other sharing the concerns

i dont know which question i did not answer properly but i just start over again. If something is not cleared. Feel free to precise them with quoting and we get more into detail.
First of all i need some answers myself to verify if we dont just talk past each other.

What do you know about the NFT market and their customer profile? What do you know about gaming?

As example the NFT sector is dominated by 2d inanimated jpgs that have almost no usecase.
In this part we beat the whole market except some rare exceptions (Star atlas for example is a title that can compete with our Gaming concept and Lepasa in Terms of NFT Quality) Both of them aquired a chunk of market share while offering nothing but previews that were of lesser quality and detail than ours. They just did aditional marketing with ambassadors and collaborations.

Right now we will get a big part of the market share if we only keep doing what we do and build up community and marketing.

But thats not the case as we want to create more to this.

Question: Personal Game dev XP

You are right if you are questioning our game development experience and us personally as game developers.
Shady can build a game but is not perfectly experienced, but he creates a crazy grade of detail and perfection into his designs, which is unbeaten at the current nft market.
i personally could not code one line. But i dont need to be a programmer i just need to know people who can. Steve jobs did know nothing about the tech he was building, but he knew something that was worth far more. He knew about products, business and markets. Thats what i do.
Its necessary to have the right skills at the right position and missing skills can always be brought in by cooperations with third party or just with plain employees.

For example few days ago i spoke to a developer team that worked on DARKSIDERS for exampleā€¦ since i could not talk numbers without a funding we just left it on the possible cooperation pile and i will come back to them after i got news about the proposal. Actually they have already coded a game base in their desk that would act perfectly act as base for our daoverse, including play, loot, boss fight and other mechanics that would fit and would save us around 5 months of coding with 6 full time programmers. We just need to talk numbers for it.
And this is not the only meeting i have with developers.

Sorry that i dont talk about names now, but allow me to keep their anonymity before something is contracted and ready for release. You dont reveal your xpos sales aswell and i still trust pundix. If you really want names here then i want a complete list off all xpos sales you did yet. Since MY personal investment is here too. so please dont talk down to us as we dont have our investments here. I know it was very emotional and i dont hold a grudge because of that, but lets just talk like grown ups and dont pressure or blame each other.

additionally as i already said in the other reply for our CMO position we have an absolute gaming and social media expert with us who actually works at razer gaming and knows almost every high ranked RPG gamer that walks the earth.
this is razer gaming in case you dont know them About Razer

long story short for answering what does us make special:
the current designs we are already doing beat the marketā€¦ now we just have to position ourselves. and as FrenchXCore @FrenchXCore already said, its critical to enter markets at the right time to get a share and the one that is 10% better than the market gets 90% of it. We chose to make that move now. And our first move was to ask the FX community and company.

next question

Why do you think Functionx will be successful with the game and for the money it couldnā€™t be better to facilitate a TV marketing campaign?

I didnt see a proposal for that yet so i wont think this marketing campaign you mention is an option to chose in this vote. Feel free to make this proposal. Maybe i vote yes, but i surely would vote.

Why will the game become successful?

because we are creating something the market is crying for. the need of such usecases in the blockchain and nft sector is so big that everyone who is 20 minutes in this community knows about this gap and is rather in the rigid posture or afraid of making a mistake. Its just the time to fill this demand. This product just needed to be created with the correct work with the community, because in this space community rules all.

This opportunity right now is one of the best to draw externals to FX. FX miised smart contracts, FX missed Defi, FX missed NFT,
I personally dont want that fx misses another opportunity in this market. Thats why i want to build it here and now. And thats why i can answer your next question really easy

which angel investors are there:
exactly none and that has one overly important reason.

We dont accept any offer from anybody right now.
We wanted to ask YOU, the FX community and company first.

If this chance is not wanted by FX and we will know about that in 10 days, then we will move along and go for seed angel investor rounds with presale and coin offering and make other decisions. And those decisions include as i already said to determine where we build it. And to be honest FX right now is not the place to open a NFT gaming project. All the pioneer work and community exposure is missing.
From full entrepreneurial perspective three other options would be much more viable for the launch.

Please dont forget the fact that WE want to make this pioneer work.

As @zaccheah said in his thread.
ā€œALL IN, which means you sleep, eat and dream the project.ā€

we already do that.
If you didnt know yet. I quit my main project engineering job and working full time for daoverse and just advise some of my investment clients in the overtime. not to mention that my expenses almost pile to 30k including the proposal to the date.

next question:

Are there numbers and dates for the success of how you support Fx only through transactions, that sounds like little.

I dont think you got the part what we are doing for FX. We are bringing a massive exposure to FX which has 3k adresses right now. The NFT sale alone will raise this from 3k to 15k not mentioning the further game development which will lead even higher. So this is nothing for you? In my eyes this is more exposure and growth than every action in the history of FX combined.

since its already really late and i think we will have another question round i close it for the day now and looking forward to continue this tomorrowā€¦ have a good night everybody.


even my answers here are longer than any proposal before :slight_smile: except the one of @BlueStitch , that was really good :slight_smile:

good night my brothers and sisters


Well said @Alchimist I personally appreciate the clear and concise answers that you put forward in response to the concerns Sylvia has brought up.

It is good to have these conversations to waylay doubt, educate others, and to help bring everyone into consensus about why DAOverse is a very important project for the community to embrace.

I think that a good opportunity to signal boost things to the wider community would be for the FX team to host a twitter spaces/live stream on youtube/ etc to have a AMA level discussion as well as further opportunity to make share your enthusiasm.

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Are we there yet!!

I actually agree with the poster @ByteXSylvia 's argument that the amount asked is too high given the uncertainty even though I voted yes.
I somehow feel good grants given out in projects like Maker, Uni are given out in batches, like $20k, $50k etc, and itā€™s unheard of an applicant ask for $900K or anything close in MakerDAO which is the godfather of grants, please correct me if I am wrong. Is it possible for the leaders of DAOVerse to reconsider this, in batches. I think it is reasonable to consider.

I feel right now the holders are pushed to give out too big an amount in one go. I voted yes but not everyone feels the same

I wish the project all the very best outcome.


First of all I have to say thank you that there is life in the posts. Personally, I would like to see all conceivable advantages and disadvantages and what the risk is. As I have learned from my own experience, a fish is only good as long as it doesnā€™t start to stink. I think itā€™s good Patrick that youā€™re taking the trouble to answer the questions. but unfortunately the business world is a tough place. I think my questions are still very harmless and it is therefore important to be prepared for difficult questions. We all want one thing that FunctionX will be successful. and we see FunctionX is on the right track good work takes time and will to succeed. I was really scared because of the Youtube Video it seemed to me like I was on a shopping channel on TV (neun live) you probably know the TV station. There is OBS https://obsproject.com/
Is a free software with which you can upgrade your stream.
I personally share your project on Twitter and Iā€™m also interested in the project, but for me itā€™s also important that we consider and ask all the points in the early phase.
I wish you much success, but please also understand my concerns that I have. and thatā€™s especially if it fails what comes next?
best regards Sylvia