DAOverse creation proposal - Welcome to the DAOverse

Thanks for the question.

I did calculation for Batch release, yes.
Since If we use the batch release Version and say WE get it monthly over one year we will lose two important incomes included into the calculation.
That would result in needing around 50% more over the year since the fx validator apy and Market Maker positions cant Be build to Generate additional income.

I personally Like Maximum efficiency and want to use as Low as possible Ressources.
I have my Main crypto Holding in fx actually and want to make AS less negative Impact to the fx egf and price AS possible.

So tranches is more expensive for the egf.

Additionally we have to sell every Tranch directly when we get it to stay Liquid regardless of price and Take Liquidity Out of the Market.
If this is too complex, this is hell negative for the price.

If we have a big payment we can Organize a Maker Position where we dont have to sell at all Cost. This will result in a positive Impact on the price and bringing Liquidity to the Market.

So we have tranches with more expensive and negative Impact to the Liquidity…

And big Bulk with less amount and positive Impact to Liquidity…

The only Thing negative Here is that We could just Take it and Run? Or whats the Idea.
We are known in the company and Community, we Play full revealed. the company has our Addresses actually.
And additionally i personally could loose my license as Investment Broker in Germany If i Play a Stunt Here.

So why would you choose tranches? I definetely would Not.


I believe a simpler explanation of a maker position is in order to help those that are unfamiliar with the concept.

Please explain it like I am 5

Ok i got to think now about the video you mention. I know obs and its a program i use. But i did not choose it for this. I used Magix video pro X 13 full version for the creation if you want to know. MAGIX Video Pro X – All the latest features at a glance

what do you call bad there?

  1. the sound? (because thats 10 times better than every fx ama i saw and they got some millions more of budget, but yes i have to tune a bit in mixing/mastering as i noticed after the upload on YT)
  2. the camera? (yes i noticed and i will buy a new one for the next. just didnt get a new one in that short time before)
  3. the setting? (i think is a cool location actually and the one i can use for free, will be professionalized with budget)
  4. the cutting? (i chose the cutting into scenes over a livestream on purpose, since its better to work with, especially if you have a dog in the room. / can and will be professionalized with budget)

so if you just hate the cutting out of personal preferences i am sorry, but some hate streams, some hate the cut into scenes.

Yes the picture is terrible. Please don’t always make such comparisons to PundiX and FunctionX we have learned and upgraded. Why make the same mistakes
If it bothers you?

(5 year old version, more detailed version for grown ups below)

in a world with market maker:
You have 1$ for buying candy. Now you stand at the desk and see a candy costs 0.05$, you buy 20 of them and munch them happily.

in a world without market maker:

You have 1$ for buying candy. Now you stand at the desk and see a candy costs 0.05$, you buy 10 of them
the 1st cost 0.05$
the 2nd costs 0.06$
the 3rd costs 0.07$
the 4th costs 0.08$
the 5th costs 0.09$
the 6th cost 0.11$
the 7th cost 0.12$
the 8th costs 0.13$
the 9th costs 0.14$
the 10th cost 0.15$

you walk away angry feeling betrayed… munchin only half of the candies…

the market maker fills the desk and is trying to provide supply at all times.

(grown up version)

Market makers stand for people or institutions whose task is to ensure the functionality of a market (especially a centralized exchange) by either buying coins for which there is currently no other buyer or selling them because there is no other seller available.

They are continuously available to other market participants as counterparties and enable them to realize transaction interests immediately at a fair market price.

They offer coins when there is a gap in supply and buy them when there is a gap in demand.

They perform a valuable function for the overall economy in general and for financial market stability in particular by making trading more liquid.

Having more Makers than takers will result in a liquid market. A liquid market is one where you can buy and sell assets easily at a fair value. We will support this with being a Maker.

here is the link to the binance academy fully describing the maker and the taker Market Makers and Market Takers Explained | Binance Academy

We will always be in the market positive maker position if we go for the big batch…

we will mostly be in the taker position if we get tranches…


nah the comparison was just because your phrasing was really attacking, thats why i compare a 0 budget first try to a million budget company… besides of building a company we are both human beings of the inner community. just wanted you to notice that.

i love constructive criticism… its a perfect opportunity to grow…

but yelling boah that is shit without being constructive is just hurting feelings or let you land on the ignore list…

and i want a constructive talk here


This answer is perfect !!

@ByteXSylvia , hopefully, young people aged 5 will never be able to understand trading markets.
But I’m gonna try…

You’re in the school court : you have 100 nice fluffies that are currently valued at 5$ (whatever the price you bought them).
Some people in the school court are willing to buy 50 of them at $1, others 20 of them at $2, 20 of them at $3, 5 of them at $4, 5 of them at $5.
If you really need to get home without any fluffies, you’re gonna sell them all only if you’re willing to go down to $1 ==> that’s small tranches.
If you’re not in a hurry to sell them (big part of the big tranch), you might be ok to sell part of them at $4 and wait for the other to be ready to buy the rest at the same price. But noone will sell over that price in the meantime.

That’s market maker operation, directly linked to the liquidity pool created by the order the market maker posted. That’s also what we see when we observe “buy walls” or “sell walls” sometimes. That’s also what the PundiX/FunctionX team is doing when they’re doing a buyback : they’re trying to create a resistance area under which the price will not go anymore.

Let’s say the price is currently 1 dollar. If you create a buyback or a buy wall around $0.95, everyone will be tempted to buy above that value because there will be no way to buy or sell under that price.

Hope this explanation will fit everyone and is clear enough…

@Alchimist and @KuzoIV I appreciate your responsiveness which is already a huge warranty of seriousness and involvement demonstrating all the things you’re capable to bring into the FX ecosystem.

For everyone not feeling concerned : it wouldn’t change a technical thing for this project to switch to any other Cosmos blockchain, also equiped with a Community Pool fund (that’s the basis of Cosmos-related blockchains). Right now, we need to get people involved in the FX ecosystem.

I don’t mean to be rude, but onchain payment is progressing very fast on other ecosystems (EGLD) and we’ll need more than that if we all want PUNDIX/FX to succeed.

Last point : exchanges on this forum are very good and require a lot of time - but it seems most people who wanted to vote already voted. Now, we’re stuck around 8%. I estimate that the maximum reachable (without team involvement) is around 14% quorum or something around 60M FX. So, there’s no point in discussing further unless we have a clear statement of the team. What would be the point of governance/DAO if the team decides everything, by voting or by not voting. So, even if you ABSTAIN, please vote “ABSTAIN”.


I don’t know what is offensive about my wording? I’m just asking and I want to understand what you mean. Especially if you want to have such a high sum, my questions should be allowed.

I don’t understand what you mean the answer wasn’t for me as far as I can see :upside_down_face:

your video sucks… i was shocked… <— this is a fuddy non contructive comment…

oh man i watched the video and your camera quality was not really good. u should get another one <— this is a respectful contructive critic

just asking to treat me the way i treated for example david and zac when i commented their poor quality to make it better with new equipment.

I just see this as an honest opinion of mine. I can try to talk more through flowers in the future. :sunflower:

honesty and rudeness are not the same…

its possible to be honest without speaking in flowers or being rude… but maybe that is lost in the translation…
please get me right, i dont want to blame you for it, but maybe just get emotional phrases double checked before posting and i think no one will feel harrassed since you are actually a nice person.
I personally am a stone when it comes to that, just showing the mirror.

but some other people in the community might get this negative and i just want to prevent a negative mood here. :smiley:

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You bashed into him and called his video sucks even it were but he is limited to certain equipments for now and already mentioned he will upgrade once possible before you go with your second unnecessary comment

and when he compared to foundation and said will upgrade you still bash into him .

Please consider be more open to discussion.

its fine shady… we are just using the wrong communication…

there are 4 ways to talk and 4 ways to hear things… we just need to get synchronized here. I dont think she wants something bad.

for everybody interested in this communication topic…

its a good read…

and find out more about yourself with 16personalities.com this is a real scientific test and we are working with this test in the upcoming DAOverse profiles, we have the official permission of them to use the results in our metaverse.

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Why are you attacking me as a daoverse supporter? (Share your tweets on Twitter) Am I not allowed to ask questions or make suggestions? Even if my tone of voice is extreme for some, I expect that you won’t go to the same level.

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Please again read what I said, am not attacking you, Patrick is my team mate regardless of anything …

We should show respect to each other and be more focusing on the aim of this discussion not these type of things.

And sorry if you seen any offensive action but please let’s focus on the answers given, we have everything in plan

I honestly say thank you it was a very informative interview for me and good luck in the future
Best regards Sylvia

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Sorry, it was for @Telchar … Hard to follow :slight_smile:
I think everyone here is trying to put a hell of an effort to answer questions (on my part, I’m not in the @DAOVerse project team, but really wishes it succeeds). So, I’m just trying to answer questions I can, like market-making, governance, etc.
So, let’s get a tone lower and be focused on questions/answers.
On my side:

  • A correct answer was provided towards the “why not tranches ?” . @DavidK already put in this comment in the pre-proposal phase and the same answer was provided. It might not fit everyone’s opinion, but this is still a valid answer.
  • As for the quality of the video, it seems to me it’s high-end videos (especially since it’s on their own free time for now) : still better than any gif or meme-video I’ve seen up to now.
  • As for the script, the 3D character-designs, animations, etc. They’re just bluffing compared to most NFT on the market right now. Considering a character could onboard skills, real-profile, etc. I don’t doubt a second those could be exchanged for a crazy price at some point. People already sell “buzzy” games accounts for crazy prices, not even talking about useless NFTs…
  • And eventually, I still think exchanges of public opinions are great. But don’t forget they already put 10K FX in the proposal. I would be greatly disappointed for DAO governance if it was not even passing quorum test, meaning no public proposal would currently have any chance. Shoudl we wait 2 or 3 more years for DAO to operate correctly ?

That’s nice one, i really hope others will also consider reading,

I think this, what people wanted to hear and not fear the requested money as part going liquid.
Not mean anything but sometimes miscommunication happens.