F(x) Core validator node setup on f(x)Core Testnet

is there available for unstake on fxcored ?

yes. there are a list of commands in the f(x)cored commands documentation file

I have put together a small team to setup and run a validator node. Without previous testnet trials, we are a little behind everyone but willing to work extra hard to catch up.

To setup a tesnet node on an ubuntu VM, where is the best place to start? Our team has coding experience

If you’re willing to put it on a raspberry pi4, try my guide: FunctionX.tutorial.20211111.rev002.docx - Google Docs



Our node is almost synched, please send fx testnet:


Node is synced; just waiting on the supply now. We have 10 FX from the faucet already we need just a bit over 90 to pay for the creation of the validator and to actually run the validator.

address: fx13zqdna4zr7zzskg0763jfajn2a0kxycvk7ucal

We were able to get the 100 + FX required to run a validator.

We are seeing an issue where the when we run the command to create the validator it is returning an error saying the account is not found on RPC.

Here is the command we are running.

fxcored tx staking create-validator
–pubkey=$(fxcored tendermint show-validator)
–details=“To infinity and beyond!”

Here is a list of my keys so i know it exists…

root@xxxxx:~/fx-core# fxcored keys list

  • name: testNetWallet
    type: local
    address: fx13zqdna4zr7zzskg0763jfajn2a0kxycvk7ucal

This is the exact

error Error: rpc error: code = NotFound desc = rpc error: code = NotFound desc = account fx13zqdna4zr7zzskg0763jfajn2a0kxycvk7ucal not found: key not found

Not really sure why this is happening. If someone could help it would be greatly appreciated.


This is the status of my current validator…

“jsonrpc”: “2.0”,
“id”: -1,
“result”: {
“node_info”: {
“protocol_version”: {
“p2p”: “8”,
“block”: “11”,
“app”: “0”
“id”: “0f3e4830cdbc97d9fe1c0d225fe25d74b4efa82b”,
“listen_addr”: “tcp://”,
“network”: “dhobyghaut”,
“version”: “v0.34.9”,
“channels”: “40202122233038606100”,
“moniker”: “your-moniker”,
“other”: {
“tx_index”: “on”,
“rpc_address”: “tcp://”
“sync_info”: {
“latest_block_hash”: “2A6DAD2D65F95FA2797A4B848C12235B161A4F3F2D40FDA5146799B99E7C21CB”,
“latest_app_hash”: “7F4EAFE7271C190C68CC6CDA1F8AC083567DD96FF634B3C9DDCEAB81E1E4729A”,
“latest_block_height”: “58977”,
“latest_block_time”: “2021-11-20T22:37:06.36423845Z”,
“earliest_block_hash”: “EC664588C2DFB53C26F6BF4A455B79E3FCCB6AEC7BEBF4871A7E4CCD5EF280A3”,
“earliest_app_hash”: “E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855”,
“earliest_block_height”: “1”,
“earliest_block_time”: “2021-11-17T05:00:00Z”,
“catching_up”: false
“validator_info”: {
“address”: “2BE3A825DB8F6050C9B9924BB5D961EC4E94EC56”,
“pub_key”: {
“type”: “tendermint/PubKeyEd25519”,
“value”: “z/2BHF4e20ocVLX0I5NLtHdiAKnC/XvNtvC9DmGe4L4=”
“voting_power”: “0”

Not sure why the block height is much lower than what is showing on Function X

I suspect that my validator is not on the same chain as everyone else…

here are the links I used to get the config for the validators testnet…

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/functionx/fx-core/master/public/testnet/genesis.json -O ~/.fxcore/config/genesis.json

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/functionx/fx-core/master/public/testnet/config.toml -O ~/.fxcore/config/config.toml

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/functionx/fx-core/master/public/testnet/app.toml -O ~/.fxcore/config/app.toml

These are direction from the link docs


Don’t forget to ask some on https://aabbcc-faucet.functionx.io
You can ask once every 24h for each TestNet FX address (and if you have a 100 addresses, you can send 1000 TestNet FX to your TestNet node everyday).

Did you do ‘make install-testnet’ instead of ‘make install’ ?
It changed recently.
Your block height is definitely too low.
You should also have the ‘–moniker xxxxxx’ twice in the command.

Hi Richard…
All of our public TestNet nodes are regularly being jailed for no reason beside the fact that we’re never being selected for block validation. @kenorb @ClaudioxBarros @Mdmdmd83

Would the team consider re-delegation of FX from some of the team testnodes to ours ?

What will be done by the team to prevent this from happening on mainnet (beside increasing team’s nodes commission) ? If we really want decentralized operations, it is essential.


Dear All especially @wolfpack64 @FrenchXCore @Bernando @ClaudioxBarros @kenorb @l4zyboi @cop4200.

  1. We might have uncovered the error. Because of this we’ve had to “restart the chain”. We have created a new testnet chain for fxcore named “dhobyghaut”.

  2. ive updated the gitbook to reflect these changes. please ensure youve refreshed your gitbook esp @FrenchXCore you seem to be using a very old version of the technical docs. and make sure your chain-id paramater is set to dhobyghaut

  3. Additionally ive updated the faucet link and the testnet explorer in the gitbook.
    the new testnet explorer will be https://dhobyghaut-explorer.functionx.io/
    the new testnet faucet will be https://dhobyghaut-faucet.functionx.io/

  4. for now don’t use the snapshot guide yet because there arent that many blocks to sync up. i will update the snapshot guide soon.

  5. f(x)wallet has been updated and configured to reflect the changes

@l4zyboi @cop4200 did you guys use the snapshot guide? or did you just sync the chain without using the snapshot? and have you already created the validator? or did that return you an error?

Just wanted to touch on 3 key issues here and to clarify some things.

  1. Is Fxcloud still in the pipeline and will that be the company’s focus?

Achieving network security, decentralization and stability is the company’s main focus for now. As Zac has mentioned, the team’s focus is on the technical set up of fxcore validators aka the command line interface (CLI). There are a multitude of reasons for this. Each validator is encouraged to run its operations independently, as diverse setups (being familiar with the code, hardware setup, network security, account keys, consensus logic) increase the resilience of the network. The entire technical set up that ensures each validator functions independently as opposed to setting up using fxcloud ensures a more diverse network environment. This will result in greater decentralization and also greater network security and stability. This is aligned with the company’s immediate goals. More information on this can be found here.

  1. Why the sudden switch from 100K FX to 100FX? Is the 100K FX to 100FX a directive’s decision without going through any form of on-chain governance?

The minimum self-delegation to be a validator has been 100FX since the mainnet launched. Validators are ranked based on the total amount of FX staked. Only the top 20 will be active validators and only the active validators will be entitled to revenue and rewards. Any form of parameter change on the blockchain will have to go through governance protocol and voting. There wasn’t a change of minimum self-delegation from 100K FX to 100FX. Back then to have a fighting chance of entering the active validator set was 100K FX. For more information on validators can be found here.

  1. If I switch validators, will I incur a 21 day waiting period? How about undelegating my FX?

You may redelegate to another validator as and when you want. There won’t be a 21 day waiting period to switch validators. However, withdrawal/undelegating is a different issue. Once you send an undelegate request, the system will log that request and only after 21 days waiting period can you actually undelegate from your validator. During that 21 day period your FX will still be staked with whichever validator you were originally staked with, so you will be subjected to any slashings if there are and also entitled to the rewards during that 21 days. You may refer to our FunctionX docs for more information.

additionally, more information about validators are delegators can be found in the gitbook especially pertaining to

  • delegation

  • how rewards are calculated

  • responsibilities of both a validator and delegator

  • slashing conditions

Is this new? I remember undelegating before and rewards stop being calculated at the moment “Undelegate” transaction is done. @Richard

there is a difference between redelegating and undelegating be it through the CLI or fxwallet.

please refer to Delegators FAQ - Function X Docs for more information

Done. Here is the version installed:

name: fxcore
server_name: fxcored
version: master-9fe9dea8474d5540cb649b558add3531faf37b5f
commit: 9fe9dea8474d5540cb649b558add3531faf37b5f
build_tags: netgo,ledger
go: go version go1.17.1 linux/arm64

Synchronized during approx. 2h36…
Of course, my previous private key for “fxcore” network did not work for this “dhobyghaut” network.

So, I created a new key thru fxcored keys add --KEY-NAME--
Got a 100 faucet FX from https://dhobyghaut-faucet.functionx.io/ for this new account (actually, I got a more for different accounts and transferred on this main FX testnet account).

Then, I created a new validator thru fxcored tx staking create-validator --chain-id=dhobyghaut --gas="auto" --gas-adjustment=1.2 --gas-prices="6000000000000FX" --from="--KEY-NAME--" --amount=100000000000000000000FX --pubkey=$(fxcored tendermint show-validator) --moniker="--NODE-NAME--" --commission-rate="0.001" --commission-max-rate="0.20" --commission-max-change-rate="0.003" --min-self-delegation="100000000000000000000" --moniker="--NODE-NAME--" --website="https://forum.starscan.io/u/mdmdmd83" --details="---DESCRIPTION--"

And everything appears fine in Function X StarScan

Looking forward to test further ! Anyway, works fine on a RPi4. I’m updating my GitBook for RPi4 !

Good morning :wave: Setting mine, is fxwallet also update?

Yes, it’s already updated to dhobyghaut. You need to update your android app though !

Is the old Testnet going to be still in use in parallel, or it’s going to be shutdown?