F(x) Core validator node setup on f(x)Core Testnet

I think it’s going to be shutdown since even f(x)Wallet was updated to use “dhobyghaut”.

it will be shutdown. it wont be used in tandem.

yes be sure to update your respective f(x)wallet apps!

great! i see your validator online and active. anyway just to take note, your you may check your node’s gas price using the command fxcored query other gasPrice. and there should only be one moniker param

Hello Richard,

Creating the validator returns error saying the my account is not on the RPC.

But from what you have explained it makes sense. We must be on the dhobyghaut chain as a validator while trying to use faucet for the old chain.

My only question is how do I make a wallet on the new chain? because running the fxcored keys add did not seem to create it on this chain. I will try again right now see if it works.

As for your question regarding snapchat I did not use snapshot. I just synced normally took about two hours since the chain is only 4 days old.

Everything works fine. However, in f(x)wallet app, when configured in testnet mode, we can’t see our own delegation to a testnet delegator.

@l4zyboi ,
Did you use ‘–chain-id=dhobyghaut’ in your validator creation command ?

Thank you everyone for your support. We were able to get our validator up and running.

We will leave it up and running and continue to stay connected within this forum moving forward.

We are looking forward to hopefully being picked as one of 50 validators on the mainnet.

Here is the validator creation confirmation.

Function X StarScan

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im able to see my delegation to you

@ClaudioxBarros how much did you self delegate? did you use the faucet and get 100FX only? if you only have 100FX in your token holding account and a tx costs some FX (in your case 0.8FX), then your validator’s self-bonded will be less than 100FX. then you will need to recreate the validator.

to the rest of the aspiring validators, ive delegated some FX to you so the explorer will show a >0% voting power (which showed 0% initially because of limited decimal places).

Thank you sir; now i can actually see a block being validated perhaps :smiley:

I am actually confused as to how often a validator is given the opportunity to work on a block. I thought if a validator holds 0.05% of the overall staked fx then they would be given the opportunity to work on 0.05% blocks in a day.

However from what I am seeing this doesn’t seem to be the case. @Richard can you perhaps shed some light on this?

I am actually confused as to how often a validator is given the opportunity to work on a block. I thought if a validator holds 0.05% of the overall staked fx then they would be given the opportunity to work on 0.05% blocks in a day.


However from what I am seeing this doesn’t seem to be the case.

do you have an example?

Good morning, yep already fixed. didn’t have access to pc yesterday and was doing on phone :sweat_smile: fixed now

@Telchar @wolfpack64 the ledger tutorial is out. You may refer here.

for anyone else who wants to have a more secure way of setting up your keys, you may refer to the ledger tutorial and also checkout the multisig tutorial here

additionally, you may also checkout the --keyring-backend flag in the document to have an added layer of password protection

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Will need some reload :laughing: for Christmas :joy: fx1d993jype28ghxu3qwcj3pen47ehgtr6kce2jaj

Confused here.

Only 20 validators at any given time? It will be hard for public validators to compete with company hosted validators.

Top 50 if the following proposal will pass: Function X StarScan

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I was saying at the time or writing then, that was the situation. But yes as @kenorb has correctly pointed out, if the governance goes through to raise the validator limit to 50pax then there would be a very high chance for you to qualify for the active validator set given the technical hurdle.

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Hey Richard,

An example of this would be our test node with 0.05% voting power.

Function X StarScan

As you can you can see our validator only proposed 7 blocks in a 24 hour period.

If my math is correct…

24 (Hours in a day) x 60 (Minutes in an hour) x 60 (Seconds in a minute) → 86400 (Seconds in a day) / 5 (Seconds per block) → 17,280 (Blocks a day) x 0.05 (Validator voting power) = 864 (Blocks in a day the validator should get)

With that in mind; you can see that our validator only got a chance to do 7 blocks in the last 24 hours. This is why I am confused.