F(x) Core validator node setup on f(x)Core Testnet

Thanks everyone for your help !
I confirm TestNet phase will avoid future mistakes on mainnet.

Up and running !!


Crosschain on testnet is active.
if you are asking about crosschain testnet validation then we have yet to come up with the documentation for that and the deployment is quite complex.
for now we are focusing just on validation on f(x)core

On that note, to all aspiring validators,

there have been some changes to the blockchain logic. originally, the validator logic included cross chain validation. since the testnet validator documentation didnā€™t include the option to be a validator for cross chain, all existing testnet validators will be ā€œjailedā€ after about 1 day because they failed to do cross chain validation. That logic has since been changed to isolate out the different validation categories.

  • For those who have already succeeded in creating an active validator but have since been dropped from the active validator set, if your sole purpose was to run through the entire process and learn from it and also feedback to us, then there is no need for you to do anything at this point

  • for those who are at the early stage of syncing or have just started, you can now clone the github repo and this will reflect the updated logic of the validator

  • for those who want to remain as a testnet validator to try out other features or to do more testing as a validator, then you would need to start all over from the first step and install f(x)core again. sorry for any inconvenience caused.

the purpose of this Testnet phase as much as it is for the community to try and test our product, it is also for the team to learn and to troubleshoot any issues that we have.
appreciate all those who have been provided us with feedback

Canā€™t we just upgrade? This would be good test to halt and upgrade steps

Oh, and maybe a little ā€œtutorialā€. about - - add keys would be awesome too

A recovery in troubleshoot section

And how many time is considered to not be slash? Like a upgrade or update

Was able to recover the key with the phrase, but I was not able to start the validator.
It was saying validator already exists for this operator address. May be I should not be using create validator ā€¦ idk.

@Richard can you please provide us some inputs on how to restart a validator on a new machine assuming the old crashed completely please.

Also if we decide to stop a validatorā€¦ how do we get the tokens back ? I see some unbond command options but was not able to use them properlyā€¦ appreciate if you can say the exact procedure.


@ClaudioxBarros & @wolfpack64 I will be looking at adding all this points in the tutorial ie.

  1. ā€“add keys

  2. how to port over your setup from an old machine to a new machine

  3. how to partially or fully unbind FX from your validator

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This is a snapshot of the blockchain as of 11 Oct 21. at the current state of the blockchain, if it takes about 1-2 days to sync, this snapshot sync will reduce syncing time by about 12 hours.

Hi guys and girls,

Itā€™s heartening to see the passion and effort put into Testnet. This bodes well for Mainnet validators.

Iā€™d like to give a small token of $1000 worth $fx each to @ClaudioxBarros @wolfpack64 @FrenchXCore . In our opinion you guys have been the most awesome Testnet gang!

Please Twitter DM me ur fx wallet.


Also updating my node. made a new install and imported keys to full node, everything fine for now.
Waiting to sync to see validator part

Wow :grinning: Hi Zac , Thank you .Testing stuff is fun :laughing:

Mine is redone and resync already, Iā€™ve tried to unjail it, but it didnā€™t help (didnā€™t show any new transactions) and itā€™s still Inactive. What else needs to be done to make it Active again?

Update: Works now!

Did you try unjail setting fee in command ?

Yes, I did same fees as when creating, otherwise it was complaining being too low.

did the new one accepted old name without problems ?waiting my node to syncā€¦

Yes, didnā€™t have any issues with the old name.

$ docker exec -it fxcore fxcored tx slashing unjail --from=test --gas="auto" --gas-adjustment=1.2 --gas-prices="6000000000000FX"
Current network:[testnet]
gas estimate: 74257

confirm transaction before signing and broadcasting [y/N]: y

$ docker exec -it fxcore fxcored status
Current network:[testnet]

i use binaries , i use fee in comand, --fee 1200000000000000000

Ok, it become Active now, not sure if it was delayed (or page doesnā€™t refresh too often), or needed to be approved, or something else changed. So itā€™s good now.

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Hi @zaccheah !

Hereā€™s my FxCore address for the airdrop:
Thanks a lot !!
