FoxGaming Proposal our preview&discussion!

i dont know, but good good post SCENES :ok_hand:

good good to know this :ok_hand:

Since its a hot topic with the coming airdrop and fx swap listing this week i give a short explanation on
“how to add fx core and fxg to metamask and connect to

Desktop Chrome Metamask extension + mobile Metamask:

  1. Add metamask extension to your browser or download metamask App to your phone.

  2. Create your wallet. (dont forget to note your seed phrase and put it somewhere safe AND NEVER EVER give this seed phrase away.)

  3. (if mobile, click on the three lines in top left corner and open the browser in the metamask app)

  4. go to the website

  5. search networks for “FX”

  6. You will see an entry for fx

  7. click on connect wallet and accept the contract in metamask

  8. click on add network and accept the contract in metamask

  9. fx core was successfully added to your metamask wallet

  10. in the metamask: click on import token and add token contract 0x4DC015a60045fB20a3651b2e85AF986354197Fe5

  11. You successfully added the FXG token to your metamask

  12. go to

  13. at the top right corner of the website click on connect wallet and connect your metamask extension (be sure to have the fxcore network active in metamask while doing it)

  14. now you are successfully connected to fx swap and can swap fx/purse/pundix/usdt and very soon FXG

i hope this can help you with most of the problems and if you still have problems please just ask.




Guide for FX wallet (only mobile)

  1. install fx wallet and create a wallet (dont forget to note your seed phrase and put it somewhere safe AND NEVER EVER give this seed phrase away.)

  2. if necessary update your fx adress to the evm compatible adress format

  3. click on your evm fx core adress

  4. add token

  5. click on the + sign at top right corner

  6. copy the token contract of FXg into the adress line 0x4DC015a60045fB20a3651b2e85AF986354197Fe5

  7. add custom token

  8. FXG was successfully added to your fx core evm wallet

  9. Open

  10. connect your wallet (use walletconnect and then activate fxWallet)

  11. now you are successfully connected to fx swap and can swap fx/purse/pundix/usdt and very soon FXG

i hope this can help you with most of the problems and if you still have problems please just ask.




I can’t find f(x)wallet on the list of options provided in walletconnect.

If you click on wallet connect and then on connect a screen like this should appear.

On this screen is no fx wallet for you? Or dont you get this screen?

Fox gaming FXG airdrop is running right at this moment… soon the first third party token on fx core network will be available for trading at fx-swap :smiley: dont miss the history in the making

1 Like

Out of curiosity, what are the allocation rules for the airdrop?

I see 990 FXG being airdropped to empty addresses without FX on f(x)Core.

the allocation is to the wallet that held the bsc FXG at the time of the snapshot

1 Like

I see! Thank you for the clarification. :blush:

TokenSwap was succesfull. FoxGaming is now live on FX(EVM) Network!

HolderAddress Balance
0xe44f45f01b7b437edf16d55319e1dbbe05a724b4 5000000
0x2c601b94714a1cfa3e529cfd0888d0a5c7126db9 3018658
0xbb4664e2ad7e4a3ca9e3f74524571366a01b851a 3000019
0xf1f25c79d7f16a141de986fa745e0babf6a35f09 2004678
0xa40bb5636d7ed3d6fd6978f34ab2ff21460ec769 1250000
0xaad610d7afd65890784549761a45b76150e8fad5 1053656
0x78bb5b143d8ad66ccc07bcfba551ceb3e4e5d08f 851189
0x6b32b8b57d4fe9eab6062d7e573759b67c5de33b 733941
0x82b1de5e4e1362071fb57782d92dfba4f3ec8e36 637788
0x4c9649531facc6309127794cbfdbb36cdd1d1217 626802
0x4cfea1f3cd9165b528ff07d24bf075a75cbcd5e8 619088
0x28b0c16f2f09139c9d2960bf8864dd3d90ee7c65 400000
0x5e59006022953ceb56e16c8fa7d7909e7a0e466c 309659
0xc3f5fa9b4073958eff2fd935553768299d020c1d 250000
0xf43895e495fe6c627833861fda60f7c34b08d9c0 248000
0x34418786864ec397318ec2d8871a318da05f9061 235608
0x85eabc930879e646877fe9dc0ed98c9365ed608c 213300
0xfb4b116df0194258d9080c405b304c9af46c89fe 195704
0x797c52840689eeeebe2a89a7963dbb9b958d0ed8 178683
0xf0fb207a77c6bb60b46b9328e571f786cc3e410c 154539
0xdc04de77787478e4c50b30b38cda1c655d19d295 121210
0x8e1c49f9bc24f35af0bdcecd957f0122119e2aab 120340
0x65c95da8d98319aaf1833d0aba3bb0064f08c1b9 120000
0xd30e103910a1c6c420cc80661403fbfc454dcc95 120000
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0x5a2413a45bcc99bb83144139e7eeb62765cad8e6 24738
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0xf5b6054155185ad313428704c017ccdb7c31467e 17110
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0xbff41f87e11c8897086fec5aac36601e496d627b 16099
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0x7958799fbd2b7eaf09cf3d99e2b9158f920dadc1 12274
0x5d02c857e98465f5b3a957b1f43569c4dae58ca0 11723
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0xef8c19f4845e84cdb077997568b68c605043e437 10890
0x4234ecc543efb4cdf02039100e7f2a7ed2ab35e6 10046
0x8ad5078e3ba590f5ee6e29b34a5fdea41d6c0dc3 9900
0x36b47c9f59954e731bedc5310be75508eb2d0400 9659
0xf50963d241fe2848923d3259fa8a93c27666d0e0 9659
0x975398d75794b8583131dbb6ae117ce56669b2fd 9064
0x6c79c92168ad985a1399c9d2974e7378f9451048 9013
0xfc1dc6f3a6091b5a7fb8b4ba5ee07269ca959796 8307
0xbafaa1b3b190c64de043bde9c2db254a575a86d6 8049
0xe1c3a0c537565b903c77819ea53734a87b383411 8049
0x486594cb90bfd2ed1afcc0646f7942239fd49058 7438
0xede624ec9071ccdefcd7e979c41820312d55c4c7 6761
0x2b74dfb06dc0156f2e1582f67e48368f3e9ae7a9 6495
0xb1328ed611fbc75e0a806373a8072ff339ee9810 6456
0x563731e0ff341512283a039df047e2e79a5df0cd 6439
0xaa2da7d9bcf72befc8821eb426483e9c13e10a27 6439
0xc0bbe0821e474f2901628239f08e48e813cedca8 5072
0x3c7852ffe80d0bf6edce88905e9adb7a5e35ba1b 4829
0x838890844676b8a118fec95971b23251492be9c8 4782
0xe4486739d4dfae7e4c448ae4fc3e05d6a5dd387c 4169
0x0774cd57e6f23331cf586536b8ffd867a6bfb518 3219
0x0d46c0139ce5ef240065f7396f605d5a46d06b94 3219
0x1a93c1e6b12553e41cae937035414cddd211718a 3219
0xcf7e7869ae2e6995c6f593247f7338d44aaf52bf 3219
0x3bd6ad11eee16256db09e5d43e42092e41dc5eda 3187
0xc9256c70e721bb67828ced3243a6c70ee9c22384 2575
0x124ca5501a80e2e018fd6acb4e2deb058f9393d4 2500
0x16819bc148e847f24336325d84da7fcd75ddf57d 2500
0x1a7dfe111be42ab9b3b76c3377f0ef6d04754d30 2477
0x0398e1e805f057709fc2f753105319ddf1eabe2a 2253
0x0626c8ea9280493e11acb9500ae47b6184340c0e 2082
0xca294724528b1c26e26c957132027d41c62943fd 2000
0x440cbce3bee8bd6ffab3eafbda3e2aa3b304f19e 1991
0x8da1f844837a34c6a3898e9f21791f2c4d33aed7 1497
0x2a7fdf2d4a07efcf043ce6caa327b0daca77a5e2 1229
0x868a65e5765e764c5d39513e6e144caec666f234 1017
0x2c00a254f9459d0c9b8e56e9235a12cd1f74fcc6 1000
0x06e71164219d52dad9cba10759402b5a3c391e38 990
0x0947695e205cacab7af210df1a2d9ec33443a8a1 990
0x0a42995d5fdd01896a08f73540a904f511f1a1b1 990
0x0d236a7e38eb459da563068a07ef33171a0ae677 990
0x0ec801c3cc740f22966865a06356d2766c9fd958 990
0x13e40230c62f1a5b7a91384b2cb8b179054716c7 990
0x18e9168442e44403f03cc65c1e7c5d2ba4ba8cf2 990
0x1ac8d5f6fd417ab2909a310ba671500ceabc0aed 990
0x1ae2b277b1de66174c914f8fc2ba8fe4dc8ed9d0 990
0x1b120e2e4705ced84b9cee2160c875763433e40c 990
0x1d99105f4aa80813aa9c16e5fdb4d7f6c4085112 990
0x1fbbea16db55338f729b64fd82521a912c3b176e 990
0x212178b399991389cb240c02a3917f32626409f6 990
0x2142aeaaa539440db5f0c6c8a3c1874efdb36293 990
0x2147877ae2dfc4372f71a258931c4e436cfe63b8 990
0x217beff3ebf08e07617829b5c678fb5290f86f5d 990
0x21e045bcf12ad4c2121d5a217a6da73cec4a6841 990
0x229edb6701370e2c62f3244369f7ffb85426e75a 990
0x23b886d9242adfda18203d4b0ce9e4c5499166b6 990
0x268e8ef615670b275418d2787521ad27a4c9c310 990
0x28d86f1cfc9f25d8601cff9efe809cf674302191 990
0x2d52f7bae61912f7217351443ea8a226996a3def 990
0x320ce7ca9f8c586f67b36094fc29a0343889dc6b 990
0x37c6da2fef625e88e6e7009e7990cc233e2c33b3 990
0x39f52ef48205638884efab0c823ec1ba1572924d 990
0x3aba25ee3631fe1068cc3533b850f35eab39b455 990
0x3bb60bcb68113415741e15566bf562162aec9159 990
0x44dcea9f1d679d6dc4c521afab6d1445efbe1ecc 990
0x485e4a27e74cc3c1e7500dbadf6bf8d9d6e550ad 990
0x4a07c4dd3aebffeb9e959340d2498a3c60985f9a 990
0x4e022a6bb7fe79ff277bf0b10fcf541b4648a8e9 990
0x4e154f1ca0e44efec2ebae4d111d61e484fa21f7 990
0x4f1e3650c66a2936f2cd458307e76d90a63719f2 990
0x553c0aaf9d2d2753ac0c7e7dd8c0e31f03bd118f 990
0x5a274b69f056a7a8767bfeda72047489962d067a 990
0x5e011ea6152a7d6cf2d9e06e187f32ac89bc0795 990
0x62c0e99b6e55680fd234818e4c1f17bba11f85c5 990
0x66bec06e3c7208c2fa3b870299481689f448208d 990
0x6805e260db96cb44ae9154a541e60525cddcbe98 990
0x683e0ffbe91aef6aabf67cda2c1ccdf53e5f905b 990
0x686bda24f46c2e7000c3891440a02155d0765bc7 990
0x6bd700f06ecfcd2371d2ca09308fb77683c47b75 990
0x75f4d08fc5ff8751465ac1525cf33344ff0be8e2 990
0x7dd3e51e56bc182660bfa9876a544eb3d439f42b 990
0x8007dbd1dee7278c616d695dbd12d634189e44dd 990
0x83f3b8459734a57f1a2cabf95ba113b54347fa74 990
0x975863d108854e6d96138f77182c30f808c0166b 990
0x9a2484817aaa064562a25f8b07e4465d89bb2f9e 990
0x9b508848547cab2b10ec54a4958ed58fd0560aaa 990
0x9cd551900ad2524621aefd0a0fe0834316484804 990
0xa32970ec1cd49db21071707de92d80ccad393183 990
0xb6bd057f71385379d284e1ab99b6b10d00bc7dd5 990
0xba537bcb4fb183e4071121fc7e6edb494dca4f04 990
0xbaa6f4a141362e0c200de1bed70d5348d9d2d16a 990
0xbcae9454240181f92d2e5f60103bdf3c2cf0cb42 990
0xbda1514b4d3261367593a18070f5adcbb9b9e230 990
0xbde70adfd16ab60f7307787c97a8fe959a80827a 990
0xc0ec5630c9f68f7a1f3880d6e663e7a0f4694c4e 990
0xc167b4f144fa823c1c21715b32ca98399eb20c7e 990
0xc1d000f72793dee96f6eb27f81511e3420f7f0cb 990
0xca71bfc3f2dcf50f7a6e978b3c9b8514875ee605 990
0xd1190d9ca8aef5d67cb71c507ea22224d0a29331 990
0xda812f5672520b35a82ad495b31c54148716b0e0 990
0xdb2930b1e90d9c63635bd91271f93bce3f2b8b96 990
0xe38082fd1665b1b34677702714da79dba5dcfc4e 990
0xed2d79198d2c9a12392ca7fa2ce8c481b0c11a28 990
0xf000df65024297836515a4ca63c9b93a38b61a54 990
0xf203840d1d187d2a6fe4e9e2f62a5181a0e07061 990
0xf72b818ba49729aa6c5d454b46315d0c24a3d622 990
0xff4343720df186d690814e955d72e2fd7f03552c 990
0x52d8eac42db9c3eefb6b4a630a5d41ca0c0be909 980
0x52b9247bc7ac135c5a02fc06b3a8efbee6c24ade 828
0xaf2885899ebe168abbdd4a40c9f53a28bff6c0c8 643
0x4bbbfc6493348fca68d7de0497c8ee469d197f65 618
0x8c19b57c75ce4a39e1d6e8cf7e0a71ca3214460a 482
0x8da423da1fd987ee50a0f8a3215e04a40e969185 432
0xcc19fc0ba5e5bef2299f3a33a939ba1d6ec5fcfd 342
0xc526a8996fa8ab0def1758d36778e51a3940b7c2 321
0xa05c02c38b9cf319704dfd785d4acb4458ed0bcd 242
0x9b6d4c8bd5be99a4db93af218ca803a80301989b 225
0x12b61b82f441bad5a6e4dd86d74b92e8f15b930b 184
0xd7f359d8b0ba4b44180d40364dbf029c451995bd 166
0xedeeff704a0c0ae871e615421dd86c769181bb33 55
0x2be87ad70cf11ea294d7c42044b5b8277a3e4874 47
0x2ca6ced526684104120bb2c647ec49640d87d0f0 23
0x4d24380c6b3629213e2e9b0ea36411561808054c 16
0x3c5e0990b58dbd691cd66bd460edfa197973f265 10
0x1a197180b3ba7c1fe8a40e94244f5c0b15e82f8f 5

This is great! Thanks! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

thanks for the guide

And another Guide for how to buy FXG from scratch (FIAT to fxg including all fees)

  1. Create an account on an Exchange that trades FX
    (i personally prefer Kucoin from germany, others may be better from other regions)

  2. Buy BTC (FIAT → BTC) Fees will be around 0-3% depending on which exchange / payment processor is used. (instant buy with VISA costs around 2% depending on exchange)

  3. Trade BTC → FX ----- Fees will be the exchange fees which are generally far below 1%

  4. Download FXwallet from the app store and create a Wallet (skip this if you already got one, NEVER EVER give away your seed phrase, store it safe)

  5. Send FX from Exchange to your FX erc20 wallet adress using the erc20 network on the exchange, then it will show in your “ethereum” wallet in the fxwallet ---- Fees are 30 FX with 100 minimum payout for kucoin, other exchanges charge differently.

  6. Buy and send some ETH into the same wallet because you will need some ETH there for the Fees.

  7. Bridge the erc20 FX to FX(core)… for this you need to click on your FX in the ethereum wallet, put in the number you want to transfer and hit ok, then click on the “mine” tab in the adress section and choose your fx core wallet as recipient. then put in the gas amount you are willing to pay for the bridge transaction ---- You will need ETH as Fees in the wallet… Fees where 3,57 USD at the time of writing the guide.

  8. after the two bridge transactions your FX will appear in the FX Core EVM wallet that you choose for the transfer.

  9. now you can connect the fx wallet on with walletconnect and start trading.

  10. now you have some FXG, if the fxg are not shown in the wallet, please add them as custom token in the wallet as i said in my other guide.

  11. please note that FXG has transfer Fees that help grow the liquidity of the asset. best advice right now would be to just hold them where they are until you want to sell them again.

i hope this guide helped you and if some questions remain, just ask.



PS: Fee Summary

1-3% Fees of buying BTC for FIAT (depending on exchange)
<1% exchange trading fee (depending on exchange)
30 FX withdraw fee (kucoin only… can be different on other exchanges)
3,67 USD (used as ETH) for bridging (varies, depending on ETH network gas fees)
5% LP fee for the trade to build FX-Swap liquidity

1 Like

That very dificult for newbie
You need listing fxg on exchange

We can’t until fx chain is supported by exchanges.
Fx has to make the step nothing we can do about


we can force to exchanges telling then that we over using no more ERC-20 (Ethereum)

that they have 21 days to change or lost everyhting on their spot wallets

You can contact indodax exchange
Coin listing is very cheap

I don’t get this screen

Wallet connect doesnt work at All? That’s a Problem with your Browser. Tried to reset the cache data or use another Browser?