Function X Portfolio Project

Published a Gitbook for the app :slight_smile:


Hey all, I’m doing some upgrades to the application deployment so things may be a little wonky. Will update again in due time, thanks everyone for the support thus far! :slight_smile:


The app is back online with a new domain, you can now access it at:


Hi, @jmurph093 APY/APR is not displayed correctly.

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Hi @jmurph093
The Portfolio balance seems to me always or almost the same even when the price drops or goes up for the tokens.

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Whixh pools are you on ? If you’re essentially over FX-USDT, that’s normal…

Im in all pool expect fxg-fx

That would almost be normal for FX-USDT but not for FX-ETH. That’s weird…
@jmurph093 ?

Hey guys, yeah I’m aware, I will be updating the data in due time, sorry about that - just got really busy with life!


take your time :v:

Hey guys, the team at Function X really like Portfolio X and got in touch with @jmurph093 to collab and produce another iteration of the project. Here’s the main highlights of key upgrades made:

UI refresh - I have made some updates to the UI of the entire dApp.

Wallet balances - Users can now view their wallet balances for tokens on the Function X ecosystem.

Previously, users can choose to either log in via email/ their wallet address - I have decided to do away with the log in via email functionality, users can now only log in via their wallet address.

Users can also add multiple wallets to their user account via the Profile page, and toggle between them to view their wallet balances, portfolio holdings, etc.

Key metrics of the Baklava vault have also been added to the DeFi snapshot section.

Users can now also have a graphical representation of their holdings on the asset dashboard section.

What do you guys think? Any feedback at all is greatly appreciated!


Well, this is a very good idea and I fully support that…
As a matter of facts, I had to personally design my own terminal tool to monitor my wallets using CoinGecko.
If we could also monitor Ethereum, Polygon, BSC wallets using the same private key, and even other wallets, using Metamask or WalletConnect, that would even be greater (a complete portfolio monitoring app).



The true spirit of open source collaboration.

Portfolio isn’t open-source. Wished it was …

I would like to provide some feedback as below:

  1. Currency Denomination:
  • It would be beneficial if values could be denominated in multiple currencies (e.g., USD, SGD).
  1. Aggregated Wallet Balance:
  • The ability to aggregate wallet balances on the same page for multiple addresses would enhance user experience. A suggested layout:
    • Column 1: Token name/logo (with the corresponding address below displaying the balance).
    • Column 2: Token balance.
    • Column 3: Price of each token.
    • Column 4: Token value.
  1. Liquidity:
  • Considering the potential addition of more protocols, it would be helpful to display which protocol is associated with each liquidity entry.
  1. Farm:
  • Similarly, for the farming section with potential inclusion of more protocols, a suggested layout:
    • Column 1: Display amount for each token (similar to the liquidity page, e.g., 0.1 FX + 0.0361 PUNDIX).
    • Column 2: Rewards (already implemented).
    • Column 3: APR %.
    • Column 4: Value (already implemented).
    • Consider displaying total claimable rewards for each protocol and an overall total claimable for all farming pools.
  1. Delegation:
  • For delegation, a similar approach as liquidity and farming, including information about which network is associated. Note: PundiXChain not yet supported.
  1. Unified Page:
  • Combining all the above sections on a single page, organized into different sections, could significantly improve user experience compared to toggling between pages.
  1. Protocol Support Page:
  • A dedicated page listing currently supported protocols (e.g., FXSwap, Baklava) would be valuable for users to easily reference.

Thanks @jmurph093 @isabelle88 for building this! Same page with @FrenchXCore if we can build this sustainably it can be the go-to site for all things FX/PX/Purse etc.

Please let us know if we can help.

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Hi @lancelai !

In addition, it would be nice to have multichain wallet balance overview.
e.g. for a single public key, have all balances for BTC, ETH, MATIC, TRON, … addresses balances (the same as in f(x)Wallet).
Sometimes, I’m having a hard time remembering on which chain I kept some tokens (esp. between Cosmos, Osmosis and FunctionX).



you can check your balance with debank

Rabby wallet does a very nice job of showing balances across all chains and liquidity pools. FX should definitely follow that path.