Proposal discussion: pre-proposal DAOverse v2

I’m not reading all that lol, I said yes; get on with it already :grin:

It’s nice to have a dream on something and keeps pursuing it regardless of obstacles.

People tend to forget who things starts small and grow bigger by time, anyways we grew in crypto communities and met lots of awesome new people who you can really relay on as a supporter, friend and most importantly keeping their promise word regardless of anything :slightly_smiling_face:

So most importantly for us is having people back up us without thinking twice they will abandon us at first milestone :+1:t3:

I totally understand that gaming is very harsh environment but yet you can compete in a certain zone and level up by time goes on.

Just remarking that I made a full working game in a single night just by myself using serval workflows and add-ons, also created a live video through our YouTube channel doing all modeling, animating and optimizing as evidence of work authentication.

So imagine am having a full team who can take these outputs daily and work on it, what can be done :blush:.

We live only once so we should do what we like foremost before final tick comes

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I think this is the right decision! Because, as experience has shown, not a single proposal has any chance of approval without the participation of the team! The situation with zoo was very strange.
I haven’t visited the forum for 2 months. And today I saw that the forum was sleeping. There are practically no people here.
Still no road map! And we are moving into the unknown.
And if you have seen a path for yourself, I wish you good luck and success on it! It’s a shame that this happens with FunctionX.

Our Homepage has been updated and now fulfill the needs of the investors.

please have a look into it at

you will find various informations and our new roadmap.

at the bottom of the page you will have the chance to register as Investor and will be able to buy company shares. The family and friends pre seed round started TODAY and will be open for 2-4 weeks.

for questions you can come to me at all times… I hope to see some of you and hopefully the team will look into it too, since we still plan to connect FX to the daoverse once the platform launches…

Thank you all :slight_smile:


I do not understand the situation, there will be no collaboration with FX, FXG also does not have a good experience with Functionx, as an investor I am concerned, is the team open to projects? what is the reason it doesn’t work???

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nice to heard that

Hi @Alchimist !

Since it is now obvious FunctionX will only serve as one of many potential gateways to your project, do you envision to have something a bit more elaborated than this TG group (and this chat) to promote your seed (and later) fund raisings and discussions ?

This Discord maybe ?


yes we have plans for it. But they can and will start AFTER the official founding of the company. Right now we are in “pre-seed” family and friends round till the company is official.

@KuzoIV and @Alchimist have been great supporters, I personally wish DAOverse can launch and grow, and hope to play DAOverse one day!


thanks zac…

always was a pleasure being here from the start and supporting for that long time. i think im in almost 5 years now in pundix and in fx from day 1…

its not the end of our journey, its the beginning. we just get our project to the next level as full fledged joint stock company. And we will connect fx to the platform once the capabilities are created.

and i promise you will be able to experience the daoverse, i would love to give you a personal tour once we are ready.