Zac: feature request for f(x)Wallet

The Turkish community have the biggest amount of Pundi X holders. There should be a Turkish language setting in the app.


How about implementing BTC Lighning Network? That would be definetly very catchy for many people to use f(X)Wallet.


Forums should be easily made accessible in the App as well as other info from the team like meeting notifications, etc.

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Actually, you can create a forum shortlink on your Smartphone.
But a link from the app would be nice too…

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Not just a link, but a signing in user interface like a regular chat room like the Xwallet has with more options. The idea is to embed all Fx and Pundix related matters into an app instead of always having to install them separately. Including voting on proposals and watching live meetings.


Fx live streaming services/platform could be an idea.

BOB Calls (as suggested before) would be freaking awesome.

Dapps, yes please. Esp as suggested above with all fx products bolted on.

Anything else we can add here for the team to think about.

How about Cloud storage facility Dapp…