f(x)Core Mainnet Validator Bugs/Fixes & Technical Support

put more than 50th

and you are lucky because look FX_Paper Validator…DONT KNOW WHY…

Hi all,

I am new here and trying for function X validator, I am technical trained but not in blockchain, will post here if there is any issues


Successfully create my first validator by following the gitbook instructions!

Welcome to stake :grinning:

Edit: Is there an issue on the explorer? as I cant see my validator there


Welcome to the fx party.

Check under inactive perhaps. You will need to have staked more than the 50th validator to be classified as active.


Hi Aghanism :wave:
Please join also the validator group in telegram if you havent yet.

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How can I join the group?

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Hi Aghanims, to be on the active list of validators, the total amount of delegated tokens in your validator must be within the Top 50.

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Hello when i make this i get this error :fxcored keys parse $(cat .fxcore/config/priv_validator_key.json| jq -r '.address') Error: decoding bech32 failed: invalid separator index 39 Usage: fxcored keys parse [address or name] [flags] Thanks in advance

and when i make this i get this ~# fxcored tendermint show-validator
{“@type”:“/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey”,“key”:“xxKMArCG0hhgLTjc35rtvqh4mA1g+tjehdhSVLxxisI=”} i get this @lancelai

i have problem on this place in the youtube video LIVE SESSION: Function X Public Validator Setup training - YouTube

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Are u setting up a new validator?

That’s to do some verification and probably the format changed.

I suggest you to ignore that and just compare with below 2 command:

curl -s | jq '.result.validator_info.pub_key'

cat .fxcore/config/priv_validator_key.json| jq .pub_key

yes i will add a new Validator.

fxcored tx staking create-validator \
  --chain-id=fxcore \
  --gas="auto" \
  --gas-adjustment=1.2 \
  --gas-prices="4000000000000FX" \
  --from=byte \
  --ledger \
  --amount=105000000000000000000FX \
  --pubkey="xxKMArCG0hhgLTjc35rtvqh4mA1g+tjehdhSVLxxisI=" \
  --commission-rate="0.05" \
  --commission-max-rate="0.5" \
  --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
  --min-self-delegation="100000000000000000000" \
  --moniker="ByteX" \
  --website="https://twitter.com/Byte_Produce" \
  --details="My Personal Validator. Anyone who knows me knows that I will do my best. For those who don't know me: I want FunctionX to make the world a better place. I'm 100% committed to making it happen. Kind regards, Sylvia" \
  --keyring-backend file

I get this error :

Default sign-mode 'direct' not supported by Ledger, using sign-mode 'amino-json'.
Error: invalid character 'x' looking for beginning of value
  fxcored tx staking create-validator [flags]

Or what do I need to add to --pubkey=$(fxcored tendermint show-validator) \

Best regards Sylvia

have you tried $(fxcored tendermint show-validator) ?

yes than i get

fxcored tx staking create-validator \
>   --chain-id=fxcore \
>   --gas="auto" \
>   --gas-adjustment=1.2 \
>   --gas-prices="4000000000000FX" \
>   --from=byte \
>   --ledger \
>   --amount=105000000000000000000FX \
>   --pubkey=$(fxcored tendermint show-validator) \
>   --commission-rate="0.05" \
>   --commission-max-rate="0.5" \
>   --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
>   --min-self-delegation="100000000000000000000" \
>   --moniker="ByteX" \
>   --website="https://twitter.com/Byte_Produce" \
>   --details="My Personal Validator. Anyone who knows me knows that I will do my best. For those who don't know me: I want FunctionX to make the world a better place. I'm 100% committed to making it happen. Kind regards, Sylvia" \
>   --keyring-backend file
Enter keyring passphrase:
Default sign-mode 'direct' not supported by Ledger, using sign-mode 'amino-json'.
Error: invalid character 'o' looking for beginning of value
  fxcored tx staking create-validator [flags]

Best regards Sylvia

I think the Problem is with --pubkey=$(fxcored tendermint show-validator)

fxcored tendermint show-validator

I try this too

fxcored tx staking create-validator \
>   --chain-id=fxcore \
>   --gas="auto" \
>   --gas-adjustment=1.2 \
>   --gas-prices="4000000000000FX" \
>   --from=byte \
>   --ledger \
>   --amount=105000000000000000000FX \
>   --pubkey="@type":"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey","key":"xxKMArCG0hhgLTjc35rtvqh4mA1g+tjehdhSVLxxisI=" \
>   --commission-rate="0.05" \
>   --commission-max-rate="0.5" \
>   --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
>   --min-self-delegation="100000000000000000000" \
>   --moniker="ByteX" \
>   --website="https://twitter.com/Byte_Produce" \
>   --details="My Personal Validator. Anyone who knows me knows that I will do my best. For those who don't know me: I want FunctionX to make the world a better place. I'm 100% committed to making it happen. Kind regards, Sylvia" \
>   --keyring-backend file
Enter keyring passphrase:
Default sign-mode 'direct' not supported by Ledger, using sign-mode 'amino-json'.
Error: invalid character '@' looking for beginning of value

Where i get the real Pubkey for the Validator?

fxcored status
  channels: "40202122233038606100"
  id: 2e60e9b2a687b75d8d1858d81c161cee6a261560
  listen_addr: tcp://
  moniker: your-moniker
  network: fxcore
    rpc_address: tcp://
    tx_index: "on"
    app: 0
    block: 11
    p2p: 8
  version: release/v2.4.x-fc080689c410d58a32f41bb98d215e39f4e6774a
  catching_up: false
  earliest_app_hash: DC5DE2C98B911DDA8A534B06506AD2564089E0045CE95C842AE21AEEA62CF055
  earliest_block_hash: FCCB9080E7A0B03BE634E4AFB8EC89EF3AE6AF4107E402116E61D35D9749EA18
  earliest_block_height: "7640001"
  earliest_block_time: "2022-11-25T01:46:37.688900169Z"
  latest_app_hash: 20A2629DC4D6B89788CC8D2AE2B86DAAA441924184141EB8AB91D8AB33C4A2D9
  latest_block_hash: DEF52C76C56B379FAE1FFCEF9B319CCFDB3A3490CB06AEF868BE3DAC843C5C52
  latest_block_height: "7921136"
  latest_block_time: "2022-12-14T05:30:08.146525377Z"
  Address: 58D7227B62E2DC93C36E032D19D1B52315ABEA33
    key: xxKMArCG0hhgLTjc35rtvqh4mA1g+tjehdhSVLxxisI=
  VotingPower: 0

best regards Sylvia

Using the pubkey is fine. This is the new pubkey format for cosmos based
Could you try with single quote instead:

otherwise it could be other cause

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Many thanks this work for me Function X StarScan

Best regards Sylvia



I’m trying to setup a validator, I downloaded the daily database snapshot, also built the binary (also tried with the one from GitHub), I get an error like this:

panic: can’t get node C9893711CA969BABF9646D869ADC3C27A49C830A7D36EECA75A0747224BC562E: leveldb: closed

Ideas of what could be the solution?

@CryptoKid : Still need help ? Contact me over Telegram @FrenchXCore !!

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