What should we call our DEX?

Why is the brand splitting. Having a DEX on function x core is enough for us. The purpose money will flow into the DEX is not it’s name or the fact that it will have function x in it. Big investors do their research don’t worry. The main public likes sexy funny names and they sometimes don’t even bother looking at what technology lays behind it. Let’s called it Squid Swap :smiley: inspired by the korean drama show . I promise u this will be big :smiley:

(X)WAP is a good suggestion I guess. But the pronunciation is “XSwap”

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When an investor find out about a project, let’s say Pundi X or Function X, they will dive deep into research. They will eventually know there is a DEX for FXCore.

Even noobs also know how to navigate pancakeswap to buy shitcoins that is totally unrelated to BSC. It is just built on BSC through Pancakeswap.

People will find out about the DEX regardless even if the name doesn’t relate to Pundi X / Function X.

It all boils down to marketing for the main name → PundiX and Function X.

The DEX itself is a standalone that people will come to know if they are already into PUNDIX/FX.

Also, once the DEX is up, it will be listed under CoinMarketCap & CoinGecko which is the main exposure for people to find out where they can purchase PundiX / FX.

Lots of people look at this ^ to find out where to buy. Once our main DEX goes live, it will have the most traded volume, maybe since it is on FXCore and will have the lowest fee possible.

Also, i’m 100% sure, if we have our own DEX, no matter what the name is, it will be listed on Functionx.io website which will have a direct link to the DEX itself since the website currently only have 1 home-page to read and nothing else.

Anybody who uses the DEX will need to have FX in the first place and FX is functionx.io so it’s like a prerequisite to know about FX first before knowing the DEX.

please do not make the mistake to project your own vigilance in researching (which i highly commend) onto the avarage crypto buyer.
both of you assume people will research, but unfortunately, the majority of users, especially the commercial small holders DO NOT do any meaningful research. Just look at the huge group of pundix users that still do not know function x or want to look into what fx is, and then just look into the amount of people jumping in shib, or the squid coin that got rugged. Given the goals of px/fx to be accessible for that group we need to work in the knowledge that if it is not blindingly obvious that its part of the current px/fx the new dex will simply be written of as just another DEX.

:eyes: :eyes:From a PR perspective it is also stronger to include function x, first the fx project gets more exposure as the dex will be celebrated in PR as fx growing and becoming a more serious project that people need to pay attention to cause they now also launched a DEX on top of the crosschains and other stuff. in the same breath the dex lifts a ride on the function x exposure, granting both a spotlight in one go.

this is why making the link clear in the name is so important, its already such a large part of fx, that splitting it makes it moot.
again, i reiterate my point that fx is still a tiny project that needs all the branding it can get. splitting the branding into a 3rd project makes marketing only more difficult, expensive and needlessly squanders perfect branding and pr of the proejct in one stroke.
fx/px is not the size of P&G or unilever, or even binance (for the pancake argument) to afford another split of brands.

nope, that is a surefire copyright lawsuit guaranteed to lose

I am writing from the knowledge and experience of running a business, not naming the next boaty mcboatface. function x wants to last for the long run, than it can’t afford to jump on every fad and hype . instead it needs to nurture the brand it has, and stick to that.

those would be great options yes

This is perfectly fine, from both a recognisability point and PR/marketing point.


Dex Universe F(x)

FX Swap Universe - XSU_DEX


DEX swap MatriX

F(x) Millennium DEX



  • Xenium: A present given to strangers or foreigners in the roman or medieval times. In medieval times, strangers would give xenium to their rulers to show their respect.
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Calculus is the most common type of math found in economics. Calculus includes the use of various formulas to measure limits, functions and derivatives. Many economists use differential calculus when measuring economic information. Differential calculus is the specific measuring of a derivative that relates to a specific function. In basic terms, a function usually represents a straight line known as a tangent. This represents a functions normal operation. The derivative is any change in the tangent that represents a deviation (up or down) in the original line.

and f(x) is the function describing the calculus


F(X)swap, simpel and clear

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FunctionOfDeX. F(DeX). Function(DeX). @zaccheah

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no these wouldn’t , try googling them and see the results u get . remember that FX is also an acronym for foreign exchange


too complex to type/read

I like this, maybe CalculuSwap?

@zaccheah lets call it X-Swap

there is already a project called that

@zaccheah what about Exponential DEX . It is unique. It has to do with math :slight_smile: obviously. And the logo could be something cool like e^DEX . This could also give the notion of exponential growth which is psychological.

I dont think special characters are usable but

F(X) if we are going with a math theme?


So maybe since it kind of sounds like dex… f(X)dx ?


Simple like you planned.



FleXSwap :fire::fire:


Horus - symbol of protection and royal power :muscle: