What should we call our DEX?

I would prefer Einstein exchange then, easier to market

DeltaX similar to Etherdelta @zaccheah @eduardstal

Big Brain DeX… sorry

In this case, I suggest f(x)dX - pronounced as F X D X.


Try ‘De-f(x)’ . Pronounced as ‘The FX’

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Dex is very okay and smart move… we can have both, a Dex and a swap for easy swapping instead of order book thing… kudos boss

  1. Xverse.com → my #1 choice
  2. FXverse → my #2 choice
  3. FX Academy → good name for educational and tutorials if FX choose to expand and have a sub teaching website like Binance Academy.

Either this two, I think either one provides simplicity and catchy

  1. Universe
  2. fXdX

Or what of “FielDE(x)”. I like to to think of the project as a “field” for the various kind of crypto exchange pairs like you said. A playing field for crypto and NFT transactions and more.

FX Universal Swap

Fx Universwap

I think simple is better/easy to remember. Using an already known term is more memorable and more effective than using a new word.

what about
1- Hodlex dex by pundix
2- Hodlex Swap
3- Unidex dex by pundix
4- Unidex swap

Not sure if anyone suggested this… short and simple… FdeX … :wink:

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We should be able to see an Alpha before Christmas. It’s our Christmas gift to the community :slight_smile:


I like these

fxdx. (might we be accused of copying dydx naming?)
fdex, fxdex (simple, relatable)
Exponential (mathematical formula like “function”)
Variable (another mathematical formula)


There will be consensus-seeking for the name, but I cannot guarantee a vote.

For historical reference, Pundi X was named by one of our early staff Lovely Halim, and Function X was named by our Danny. And as you know PURSE was named by the community.

  1. I don’t think dydx is original in the first place as it is a mathematical expression before having another meaning in the crypto space.

  2. It will be great to again have the community name our DEX.

Exponential or variable is good. May add an X to the end

What about Xponential @zaccheah @eduardstal

What about EX? Or ExchangeX? eXchange? eXchangeX?

Like FunctionX, PundiX, having X at the end can be cool